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时间对于每个人都是公平的。/一年365天,一天24小时,一小时60分钟,一分钟60秒,对每个人都一样。/但由于人们对待时间的态度不同,因此就有不同的结果。/珍惜时间的人“留下串串果实”,不仅延长了生命,而且使生命富有意义;/浪费时间的人却“两手空空,一事无成”,只有徒伤悲,空叹息。/对我们学生来说,也是这样的。/经过一学期的学习,有的同学取得了优异的成绩,各方面都有了长进;/而有的同学却收效甚微,甚至一天更比一天差。/这是因为珍惜和不珍惜时间造成的差别。/ 时间有一个特点,就是一去不复返。/即使是最伟大的科学家,使用最先进的科技手段,也不能把时间挽回。/因此,著名科学家富兰克林把时间比作生命;/我国现代伟大的文学家鲁迅把浪费别人时间比作“谋财害命”,把浪费自己的时间比作“慢性自杀”。/由此可见时间的珍贵。/时间虽然一去不再来,但是人对于时间并不是无能为力,无所作为的。/ 人的生命宝贵,人的青少年时期尤为宝贵,因为青少年时代正是人的一生中最重要的成长时期、打基础时期。/所以,勤奋学习不仅是祖国和人民向我们青少年提出的要求,也是我们自身成才的先决条件。/民族英雄岳飞在《满江红》这首词里疾呼:“莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切!”/因此我们应该学会做时间的主人,紧紧抓住时间。/抓紧时间,就是要科学安排时间,巧妙地利用点滴时间,提高单位时间利用率。/抓紧时间还要善于抓住今天。/我们要不断总结昨天,设计明天,但最关键的是要牢牢抓住今天。/ 同学们,我们是21世纪的主人,/希望大家都能珍惜时间,科学地分配时间,/使每年、每月、每天、每小时、每分钟都过得有意义,/让每一秒钟都成为我们创造辉煌人生的基石!/ 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家!/ Time is fair to everyone. /365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, one minute 60 seconds, the same for everyone. /But as a result of peoples attitude towards time is different, so they have different results./ Cherish the time people left its fruit, not only prolong the life, and make life meaningful;/ A waste of time are empty hands, nothing, only idle young, needy old, empty sigh./ For our students also is such./ After a semester of study, some students achieved excellent results, the progress in many aspects. /And some classmates but to little effect, even one day more than a day./ This is because the treasure and do not cherish the time difference./ Precious human life, human adolescence is particularly valuable for youth is one of lifes most important period of growth and lay the foundation./ So, hard learning is not only the people in the country and to our teenagers demands, is also the precondition of our own success. /National hero Yue Fei in the first word sacred : the mo, white young head, empty grievous!/ So we should learn to do the master of time, hold time./ Scientific arrangement time, take the time to skillfully use a bit of time, improve the utilization rate of per unit time./ Take the time to seize today. /Design tomorrow, we wi


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