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摘 要 目前,市面上的专用绘图软件非常多。这些软件之所以能够生存、发展,主要是因为它们与大型绘图软件相比,小巧玲珑,各具特色,能够满足用户各种各样的特殊需求。 在工程软件中,经常需要用绘图表现工业现场的布置图,并要求绘图软件能够将绘图元素对象化,这样有利于修改并为其赋予特殊的属性。这种布置图的绘制由于有其特殊性,往往需要专门开发配套软件来完成绘图。本设计为满足开发这类的软件提供了一种解决方案。 本设计主要利用Visual C++6.0开发工具实现四大功能:1、绘图功能:通过该套软件可以绘制直线、椭圆、矩形、弧线、文本五种类型的基本图形; 2、选择功能:单击某个图形元素,就可以使该图形元素处于选中状态,可以通过拖动鼠标的方式移动图形,也可以通过拖动的方式改变图形的尺寸;3、修改对象属性:双击某个图形对象可以弹出一个相应的属性对话框,在对话框里可以对改图形元素的属性进行修改;4、文件存取功能:通过序列化技术保存文件,在需要的时候可以读取出来编辑。该程序还具有优良的扩展性能。如果想要添加新的绘图元素,那么只需要添加一个以CdrawElement类为基类的绘图类即可,从而对程序进行扩展非常方便。通过本软件的开发过程,读者可以掌握使用Visual C++开发绘图软件的基本要素,并能够实现绘图软件常见的功能。 关键词: 计算机绘图;CAD; VC Abstract Currently,there is a lot of dedicated drawing software in the market.The software was able to survive and develop,mainly because they are compared with the large-scale drawing software,it is small size ,distinctive,and can meet the special needs of various users Engineering software often need to use graphics performance of the industrial site layout,and requested the drawing software can be the object of drawing elements,this is conducive to change and given its unique attributes. Drawing of this arrangement because of its specificity, and often require specially developed software package to complete the drawing.This is designed to meet the development of such software offers a solution This design using Visual C + +6.0 development tools to implement the following functions:1、Drawing Function:By the software can draw straight lines,ellipse, rectangle, arc, text of five types of basic graphics;2、Select Function:Click on a graphic element, you can make the graphic element is selected and you can move by dragging the mouse in the way of graphics. In addition you can also drag to change the graphic size;3、Modify the object properties:Double-click a graphic object can bring up a corresponding Properties dialog box, in the dialog can be changed to modify the properties of graphic elements4、File access functions:Save a document through serialization technology ,and when needed can be read out ed


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