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国际经济学复习考试 1、绝对优势,是指一国能用比其他国家更少的资源生产某种商品的能力。 Absolute advantage which is the ability of a country can use fewer resources to produce a good than other countries. 2、绝对优势理论The theory of absolute advantage In a two-nation, two-product world, international trade and specialization will be beneficial when one nation has an absolute cost advantage in one good and the other nation has an absolute cost advantage in the other good. 3、比较优势,是指一国能以比其他国家低的(机会)成本生产某种商品的能力。 Comparative advantage, which is the ability of a country can use lower (opportunity) cost to produce a good than other countries. 4、比较优势理论The theory of Comparative advantage The more efficient nation should specialize in and export the goods in which it is relatively more efficient. The less efficient nation should specialize in and export the goods in which it is relatively less in-efficient. 5、机会成本——一种商品的机会成本是指再生产一单位此种商品所必须放弃的另一种商品的数量。 Opportunity cost is the amount of a good that must be given up to release enough resources to produce another good. 6、生产可能性边界,是指描述一国使用其所有资源和最佳技术所能生产的两种商品的各种组合的曲线。 A production possibilities frontier (PPF) is the curve that shows the different combinations of two goods that can be produced when all of a country’s factors of production are fully employed in their most efficient manner. 7、贸易条件是指两国贸易商品之间的相对价格。它衡量的是一国出口商品价格与进口商品价格的相对关系。 The terms of trade are the relative price of traded goods between the two countries. The terms of trade measures the relationship between the prices a country receives for its exports versus the price a country pays for its imports. 8、资本密集型是指一种商品用比另一种商品更高的资本劳动比例生产出来的。 Capital intensive refers to the goods produced with a higher capital-to-labor ratio than another good produced by. 9、劳动密集型是指一种商品是用比另一种商品更低的资本劳动比例生产出来的。 Labor intensive refers to the goods produced with a lower capital-to-labor ratio than another good produced by. 10、规模报酬不变是指生产要素比例的改变会导致产出相同比例变化的生产条件。 Constant returns to scale is a production condition in which proportionate changes in


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