宽带电磁辐射探 张海屹.doc

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宽带电磁辐射探 张海屹

摘要 随着电磁波在工业技术领域的广泛应用,电力设备、无线电广播、无线电通讯等无线电设备,以及微波炉、电视机等非工业设备都有电磁辐射的问题,人们逐渐认识到了电磁波的负面效应。在实际中,需要有简单、准确和高效的测量仪器进行测量以判定所检测区域是否满足相关标准,最终确定敏感区域人员的安全问题,从而促进了电场探头的发展。 本文针对100KHz-18GHz宽带电磁辐射探头作了详细论述,包括探头天线设计,检波二极管选择,高阻传输线的选择。设计的8毫米长的电场探头允许电场的测量范围介于1到v/m, 从100kHz到18GHz。相互正交的偶极子配置保证了各向同性响应。 关键词:探头 二极管 传输线 各向同性 天线 ABSTRACT With a wide range of application of the electromagnetic waves in the field of industrial technology, there is electromagnetic radiation in electrical equipment, radio broadcasting, radio communications, and other radio equipment, as well as microwave ovens, television sets and other non-industrial equipment. People come to realize the negative effects of electromagnetic waves. In practice, needing simple, accurate and efficient measurement of the measuring instruments to determine whether the detection of the region meets the relevant standards, and ultimately to determine the safety of sensitive regional issues, thus promoting the development of the electric field probe. In this paper, 100 KHz-18GHz broad-band an isotropic electric-field probe with tapered resistive dipoles for broad-band electromagnetic radiation probe were discussed in detail, including the probe antenna design, choice of diode detection, high impedance transmission line options. The designed 8-millimeter-long probe of the electric field allows the measurement of the electric field range from 1 to v/m, from 100KHz to 18GHz. Mutually orthogonal dipole configuration ensure the isotropic response. Keywords:Probe Diode Transmission line Isotropic Antenna 第一章 绪论 1 1.1前言 1 1.2研究背景--电磁辐射污染及其危害 3 1.2.1电磁辐射污染源 3 1.2.2电磁辐射的危害 4 1.2.3城市电磁环境的问题 5 1.3电场探头的作用 6 第二章 宽带电磁辐射探头设计原理 7 2.1电场探头设计原理 7 2.1.1电场探头简介 7 2.1.2电场探头的基本结构 9 2.1.3电场探头的工作原理 11 2.2天线设计原理 13 2.2.1概述 13 2.2.2对称阵子的基本结构 14 2.3传输线理论分析 19 2.3.1传输线方程 19 2.3.2传输线的特性参数 24 2.4小结 24 第三章 100k~18GHz宽带电磁辐射探头的设计 25 3.1天线部分的设计 25 3.2检波二极管选择 27 3.3高阻传输线选择 30 3.4小结 30 第四章 宽带电磁辐射探头整体性能分析 31 4.1宽带电磁辐射探头整体性能介绍 31 4.2宽带电磁辐射探头的主要应用 32 4.3小结 33 第五章 结束语


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