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unit8 lesson1 教案

Unit 8 Warm-up and Lesson 1Adventure Holidays 教案 【课前导学】 (Wh meeting with difficulties, you should learn to refer to your dictionary.) Word Bank 1. 冒险n _____________.冒险家n ______冒险的. adj ______ 2. 节目主持人n.__________________ 主持,呈现v. ______主持,呈现n. _______ 出席的,在场的adj ______________ 3. 组织n.____________________ 组织v.______ 组织者n._____________________ adv_____________舒服n.___________ 安慰,鼓舞v.__________ 5.最大的adj ____________最小的adj.___________ 6.不同于,有区别vi.___________ 不同的adj ___________不同n._________ 7.焦急的adj._____________adv._____________ 焦急n.__________ 8.令人困倦的adj.___________困倦的adj.__________(使)疲劳v.______ Keys:1.adventure adventurer adventurous 2. presenter present presentation present 3. organization organize organizer 4. comfortable comfortably uncomfortable uncomfortably comfort comfort 5. maximum minimum 6. differ different difference 7. anxious anxiously anxiety 8. tiring tired tire Phrase Bank 1 去航行 2 进行一次环球旅行 3 起飞 4 在地平线上 5 一件行李6 就在此刻 7 和---不同 8 直接回家---忧虑 10 看太阳落山 11额外的提供 Keys: 1. go sailing 2. go on a round-the-world trip 3. take off 4. on the horizon 5. a piece of luggage/baggage 6. right now 7. differ from 8. go straight home 9. be anxious about 10. watch the sun go down11.extra offers 【课文理解】 ’ll gain more.) Fill in the blanks according to the text. Adventure 2000 is an ______(组织)for travelers. It has _____________(有经验的)guides leading the hiking trips. The guides know all the best routes and best places (宿营).It is ___________(配备着)good cooks who __________(准备)delicious meals for travelers and porters carrying __________(行李). So________(当……时候)on the trip, all the travelers will do is simply ___________(享受)the experience. ___________(此外),at Adventure2000, people make good travel __________( 安排),organise all the flights and _________(住所). There are 3 kinds of hikes in the Himalayas. The travelers can choose one _____________(取决于)their state of health. Keys: organization, experienc


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