Lesson 7 教师版.doc

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Lesson 7 教师版

Lesson 7 Too Late 阅读理解 What were they expecting from South Africa? They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds. What was the parcel full of? The parcel was full of stones and sand. 单词详解 1. detective: n. 侦探(人) a. 侦探的 e.g. 侦探小说 detective stories/ novel She found a good private detective like Sherlock Holmes to keep an eye on her husband.私家侦探 2. airport n. 机场 在机场 at the airport airline 航线 airfield 飞机坪 3. expect v.期待,预期 结构:expect sb to do sth e.g. 我们期待着他在下午5点达到上海。 We expected him to arrive in shanghai at 5 p.m. The casualty(死亡人数)in the earthquake is expected to be more than 2000. 预期 expectation n.期待,期望 4. valuable a. 有价值的 value: n. e.g. 这条消息很有价值。 This news is valuable=of value. 反向:invaluable 价值连城的,无价的 valueless 一毛不值的 5. parcel n. 邮包 看看下列的包是什么包bag/trunk/ case/ handbag/ backpack/ waist pack / purse/ e.g. 一个包裹的书 a parcel of books parcel bomb 邮件炸弹 6. diamond n. 钻石 e.g. 钻戒 diamond ring 牌的某种花色,猜猜看?方块 diamond wedding 钻石婚礼(结婚六十周年或七十五周年纪念) golden wedding 金婚(结婚五十周年纪念) 结婚一年周年纪念 paper wedding shot-gun wedding [美]强迫婚姻 7. steal v. stole, stolen 偷窃 结构:steal sth. from sb e.g 小偷偷了我朋友的手机。 The thief stole the cell phone from my friend. 近义词:rob 抢劫 rob sb of sth. 抢了某人某样的东西 8. main: 主要的 同义词:leading/major e.g. the main street of the town 小镇的主要街道 main clause 主句 mainland 大陆 mainly: adv. 主要地 9. guard n.警戒,守卫 结构:keep guard at v.守卫 保安(人员):bodyguard, safeguard, security guard a guard dog 看门狗 我们所有保安守卫着大楼。 All of our security guards are keeping guard at the building. 10. precious a. 珍贵的 e.g. 水对于人类是很珍贵的。Water is precious to human beings. 辨析: precious 有意义的 V.S. valuable 有价值的,值钱的 The diamond is valuable. This book is precious to me. 11. stone n.石头 kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟 His apartment is a stones throw from the subway station. 近在咫尺 12. sand n. 沙子 sandbag 沙包 sandcastle 沙堡 扩展:The children are playing on the sands. 沙滩 课文解析 Too late 1. The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. late表示飞机晚点,同义表达有:delayed 2. T



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