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重点词组 1. close to(距离、时间、数量、水平等)近的;接近的;最近的;关系密切的 The hotel is close to the centre of town.宾馆就在城中心附近。 You can’t go to the party; it’s too close to your exams.你不能去参加聚会,它离你的考试时间太近了。 She’s close to both her parents.她和父母的关系都很密切。 【拓展】get close to靠近;接近 feel close to觉得与…亲密 2. as well也;还;又 I’d like a cup of coffee, and a glass of water as well.我想要一杯咖啡,还有一杯水。 【辨析】as well, too, also, as well as与either 这几个词/词组均可以作“也;同样”解。 as well通常放在句末。 too常置于句末,前面有逗号,用于肯定句中。 also位于实义动词之前或be动词、助动词及情态动词之后,用于肯定句中。 as well as用在句中。as well as前面的部分作主语,其后的部分不作主语。 either 位于句末,前面有逗号,用于否定句中。 3. in general通常,大体来说,总的来讲 【拓展】generally adv. 一般地,通常地,普遍地 generally speaking一般来说 It is generally believed that….普遍认为… as a general rule在通常情况下;一般而言 as a whole总体上,整个看来 4. on the contrary正相反;恰恰相反 It isn’t hot; on the contrary it’ cold. 5. clean out清理;把….打扫干净;把…偷光/买空;耗尽某人的钱财 They spend the day cleaning out the garage.他们花了一天时间彻底清理车库。 Japanese soldiers moved in and cleaned the village out.日军进来把整个村子洗劫一空。 The Paris trip cleaned us out.巴黎之行用光了我们所有的钱。 6. be impressed with为…所感动;给…留下印象 I was deeply impressed with/ at/ by his speech.他的演说给我留下深刻的印象。 【拓展】impress sth. on sth.把…印于.. impress on/upon sb. sth.使某人铭记某事 impress sb. with sth. 使某人铭记某事 be impressed by为….所感动 an impressive scene难忘的场面 an impressive story感人的故事 have/ make an impress on 给…留下印象 The scenery is strongly impressed on my mind. (主语是物) = I’m strongly impressed with the scenery. (主语是人) 7. make up 编造;弥补;化装;组成 【拓展】“动词+up”构成的短语: cut up 切碎 look up查阅 bring up抚养;养育 call up召唤;打电话 put up建立;搭建;举起;张贴 set up建立;开创 give up放弃 do up打扮;修理 use up用完 keep up维持 8. at ease舒适;自由自在 He is at ease about the matter.他对此事很放心。 【拓展】with ease无困难地;轻而易举地(=easily) feel/ be at ease舒适而无忧虑;完全放松 put/set sb. at ease使某人感到轻松自在 9.turn one’s back to背对;背弃;不理睬 He’s always been kind to me. I can’t just turn my back to him now because he’s ill and poor.他一直对我很好,现在他贫病交加,我不能不加理会。 【拓展】turn around/round转身;翻转 turn back翻回去;使折回 turn in上交 turn into进入;使变成 turn off关


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