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I’m so luck to have james as my ________ (搭档) You’re sure to do better in the exam if you start to _____(复习)the important points earlier. Many students don’t have much_____(知识)of american history. Yesterday she ______(请客)us to some delicious chicken The bird is ______(展开)its wingsread for flight. I’m going to buy some ______(明信片)this afternoon. The filrm star agreed to give an ______(访谈)after his wedding. He is sitting in the ________(角落)of the room. His idea had a great _______(影响)on me. It is _______(礼貌的)to say ‘thank you’ when someone has helped you. It’s a fine day today. Let’s have a ______(野餐). The_______(目的)of this project is to help that people in need. Wang jiaquan, a teacher from Qichun, has_______(支持)many poor students to college. He’ll _______(参加)an important meeting tomorrow We took the ______(电梯)to the top floor Mytow brothers are _______(男警察)。They usually help people who are in trouble. _______(安全)comes first.We should obey that traffic rules. She was a woman of high _______(位置)in the government. If you let others make ________(淡定)for you,you will never succeed. The stamp is very _______(贵重的),plance collect it. I’m aftard we have to ______(取消)the meeting You must arrive at the _______(机场)tow hours early I don’t think I have the _______(勇气)to tell him the bad news. His father is a _______(银行家)。And he is rich in the town. He never exercises and he has put on ________(体重)again。 Can you help me _______(翻译)this English passage into Chinese My father was cutting the ______(草)while I was planting roses. The factory _______(加工)the leather last year. The ice will soon change into water if you ______(加热)it。 I decide to buy a new ______(小手提包)for my several groups Let’s _______(把。。。。。分开)ourselves into several groups English is _______(广泛的)used in the word The boy began crying all of a ________(突然) She________(保持不变)sitting when they came in. He took a pair of _______(剪子)and cut his hair. Washington D.C. Is the _______ (首都)of the USA. When you are _______(沮丧),you


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