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The core and jet of M87 (M87的核和喷射流) a b 星系的形成 第十一章结束 银河系的结构 银河系的旋臂 旋涡星系M100 半人马座A射电星系:此螺旋星系似乎已扭曲成了一个 平行四边形的结构。此星系位于大约1000万光年远处, 半人马座A星系是其中最亮的,它里面可能存在一个超大 质量的黑洞。 马头星云 蟹状星云 * A spiral galaxy Ascompressional waves pass through the molecular clouds, they trigger vigorous star birth. This process produces numerous H II regions and clusters of 0 and B stars that outline the spiral arms. Each pinkish speck along the spiral arms of this galaxy is an H II region. (Anglo-Australian Observatory) * A globular cluster is a spherical cluster that typically contains a few hundred thousand stars. This particular cluster, call M13, is located in the constellation of Hercules roughly 25,000 light years from Earth. (U.S. Naval Observatory). * A spiral galaxy, such as our own or NGC 253, contains a significant amount of interstellar dust, primarily concentrated in the galaxys disk. In our own galaxy, this dust blocks light from remote stars and severely restricts our visual observations in the plane of the Milky Way. In other galaxies, the dust appears as dark blotches and mottling, as shown here. The pinkish spots scattered around this galaxy are H II regions that outline the spiral arms. NGC 253 belongs to a cluster of galaxies called the Sculptor group, nearly 10 million light years from Earth. (Anglo-Australian Observatory) * If we could view our galaxy face-on from a great distance, it would look somewhat like this spiral galaxy in the constellation of Cygnus. The spiral arms are outlined by numerous H II regions and OB associations. (U.S. Naval Observatory) * [left] The galactic center at infrared wavelengths This false-color infrared view from IRAS covers a field about 48 X 33. Black represents the dimmest regions of infrared emission, with blue the next dimmest, followed by yellow and red, with white for the strongest emission. The numerous knots and blobs along the plane of the galaxy are interstellar clouds of gas and dust heated by nearby stars. (NASA) Figure 16-16(c


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