新Module 1 Unit2 What Should Jiamin Do(广州版)五年级下册PPT课件.ppt

新Module 1 Unit2 What Should Jiamin Do(广州版)五年级下册PPT课件.ppt

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新Module 1 Unit2 What Should Jiamin Do(广州版)五年级下册PPT课件

* ————复习巩固课 worried be(am is are) worried about tired hand in on time do well in should worry catch up with together seldom shouldn’t=should not 频度副词(How often…?) never seldom sometimes often usually every always A B C D E F 任务1: 任务2:下面是Mike的生活作息表,请仿照例子写五句话。(注意 动词用上第三人称单数) 例:Mike gets up at 7:00 a.m. get up 7:00a.m. go to school 8:00p.m. Mike ______ to school at 8:00 a.m. begin classes 8:30a.m. He _____ _______at 8:30 a.m. play football 5:00p.m. He ______ ________ at 5:00 p.m. have dinner 6:30p.m. He _____ ______at 6:30 p.m. study English 7:30p.m. He ______ _______at 7:30 p.m. goes begins classes plays football has dinner studies English The girl shouldn’t watch TV too long. She should go to bed now. The boys shouldn’t play football in the classroom. They should play football on the playground. The boy shouldn’t swim in the lake. He should swim in the swimmingpool. The boy shouldn’t sit on the desk. He should sit on the chair. 任务3: 1.用should或shouldn’t 说说班里或校园存在的一些现象。 2.(1)We_____ get to school on time. (2)You _____ finish our homework. (3)We______ be late for school. (4)Jiamin ______ play computer games too much. should should shouldn’t shouldn’t Let’s play a game. 1.You should brush your teeth. 2.You shouldn’t touch your head 3.You should wash your hand. 4.You shouldn’t stand up. 5. You should go back to your seat. 任务4: 练习一:阅读短文,判断对错,正确的在括号内打“√”,否则打“×” Uncle Li is 65 years old. He does sports every morning. After sport ,he enjoys his breakfast for about one hour .Sandwiches and tea are his favourite and his dog Handsome always eats chocolate. Uncle Li often sings songs and Handsome dances. Now he’s playing computer games .He’s going to climb Baiyu


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