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006 氯丁橡胶
第六节 氯丁橡胶 3、加工性能 塑炼 硫黄调节型用低温塑炼可取得可塑性,而非硫调节型的塑炼作用不大; 炼胶温度应比天然橡胶低,否则剪切力不够,配合剂分散不开。 第六节 氯丁橡胶 混炼 氯丁橡胶炼胶易黏辊,加一些如石蜡、凡士林等润滑剂有助于解决。 极性氯原子的存在,使氯丁橡胶在加工时对温度的敏感性强,当塑、混炼温度超出弹性态温度范围,会产生黏辊现象,造成操作困难,G型氯丁橡胶尤甚。 硫化剂、ZnO及促进剂应在混炼后期加入,若在密炼机加入,排料温度应在105~110℃。 第六节 氯丁橡胶 生热性 氯丁橡胶炼胶生热高,要注意冷却,加MgO时温度约50℃为宜,如温度太低MgO易结块。 硫化 氯丁橡胶最宜硫化温度为150℃; 因它的硫化不返原,也可以采用170-230℃的高温硫化、高温连续硫化。 第六节 氯丁橡胶 4、贮存稳定性(差) 氯丁橡胶贮存变质是一个独特的问题,在30℃的自然条件下: ①. 硫黄调节型氯丁橡胶可存放10个月,非硫调节型可存放40个月; ②. 存放时间增长,生胶变硬、塑性下降、焦烧时间缩短、加工黏性下降、流动性下降、压出表面不光滑,逐渐失去了加工性; 第六节 氯丁橡胶 4、贮存稳定性(差) 防止的办法: 精制氯丁二烯并在惰性气体中贮存及聚合,严格控制聚合转化率,加入防老剂; 生胶贮存温度低一些,尽量减少热历史。 四、应用 1、应用 氯丁橡胶可以用来制造:轮胎胎侧、耐热运输带、耐油及耐化学腐蚀的胶管、容器衬里、垫圈、胶辊、胶板,汽车和拖拉机配件,电线、电缆包皮胶,门窗密封胶条,橡胶水坝,公路填缝材料、建筑密封胶条,建筑防水片材、某些阻燃橡胶制品及胶黏剂等。 第六节 氯丁橡胶 2、实例产品 第六节 氯丁橡胶 Detailed Product Description: Rubber synchronous driving belt transmission has the following advantages. 1. It ensures a slip-free transmission between driving and driven wheels. 2. The transmission speed ratio can reach 10 and the transmission speed,40m/s. 3. The transmission power can range from several watts to a hundred or so watts. 4. Simple transmission mechanism, light weighted and lubrification not needed. 5. Large initial tensile force not needed and the spindle load is small. 6. Less noise while running. 7. Easy for maintenance and replacement with new one. The new rubber was called Duprene at first, but was renamed NeopreneTM. It was expensive, but resisted oil and gasoline, which natural rubber didnt. It was the first good synthetic rubber. This was the first discovery made by Purity Hall that could be turned into a profitable product. In some ways it saved Purity Hall. It also made Carothers famous. But Carothers never really liked his new synthetic rubber. When he reported its discovery in a memo to his boss, Elmer K. Bolton, he didnt even mention that the material could be used as synthetic rubber, only that it was structurally similar to natural rubber. 1,2 To Carothers polychloroprene was a lucky accident, not true science.