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BBS网上论坛系统摘 要 随着互连网技术的发展,上网成为一种时尚。当今网络成为生活中必不可少的工具,它使人们之间的距离大大缩短,互相交流更加方便,可以不受时间和空间的限制。由此BBS应运而生,给人们提供了更多更广阔的交流空间。网上论坛的产生对网络技术的发展提出了迫切的要求。ASP(ActiVe Server Pages)是建立BBS动态网站的最强有利的工具。论文主要介绍的是用Asp和Access数据库实现的一个BBS网上论坛。该BBS的制作使用了ASP技术,最强大的网页开发工具DREAMWAVER MX以及微软公司的Microsoft Access 2000数据库开发工具。对所用到工具论文均有简要介绍。网上论坛系统设置了登录权限,分为匿名登录、用户登录、管理员登录三种方式,管理员可对用户及文章进行各种操作,该软件同时提供新用户注册功能,方便新用户加入论坛。论坛内用户可以进行发帖、回贴、以及对作者的E—Mail回复等操作。论文介绍了论坛的各种功能,开发此论坛的详细过程,以及遇到的各种技术问题,并提供了开发源代码。本软件界面友好,功能强大,使用方便,具有相当强的的实用价值。 关键词 ASP; BBS; ACCESS Abstract With the fast development of INTERNET technology, sail on the Internet has become a sort of fashion. Today, net has become the most necessary tool in the peoples life. It has made the space among the people small, and has made peoples communion more convenient. People can communicate but dont need to consider the restriction of space and distance. So BBS emerging as the time require. BBS supplies more and more communicating space. When the BBS come into being, the software of creating it was produced. ASP (Active Server Pages) is the best software which including powerful function to build active web site. My paper introduces The QINGLANG BBS which is founded by the tools of ASP and MS Access 2000. The procession of creating we has made use of the technology of ASP, the most powerful tool of making web pages--DREAMWAVER MX and the exploitation tool of database—Microsoft Access 2000. The paper introduces these tools briefly. The BBS set the right of login-- anonymous login, user login, administrator login. Administrator can do some operation to manage the user and article. The software supplies the function of new user register. You can join in the BBS by registering your own username and password conveniently. The common user can do the operation of delivering message, reverting message and so on. My paper introduces all the function of BBS, the particular procession of exploitation, the technology problem we has fell across. The paper also suppli


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