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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 事务的原子性、一致性、独立性及持久性 事务的原子性是指一个事务要么全部执行,要么不执行.也就是说一个事务不可能只执行了一半就停止了.比如你从取款机取钱,这个事务可以分成两个步骤:1划卡,2出钱.不可能划了卡,而钱却没出来.这两步必须同时完成.要么就不完成. 事务的一致性是指事务的运行并不改变数据库中数据的一致性.例如,完整性约束了a+b=10,一个事务改变了a,那么b也应该随之改变. 事务的独立性是指两个以上的事务不会出现交错执行的状态.因为这样可能会导致数据不一致. 事务的持久性是指事务运行成功以后,就系统的更新是永久的.不会无缘无故的回滚. * * * * Underlying Principles: CIDR’2009 Business data may not always reflect the state of the world or the business: Inherent lack of perfect information Secondary data need not be updated with primary data: Inherent latency Transactions/Events may temporarily violate integrity constraints: Referential integrity may need to be compromised Data Security Privacy Data privacy remains a show-stopper in the context of database outsourcing. Encryption-based solutions are too expensive and are projected to be so in the foreseeable future: Private Information Retrieval (Sion’2008) Other approaches: Information-theoretic approaches that uses data-partitioning for security (Emekci’2007) Hardware-based solution for information security Self management and self tuning in cloud-based data management Self management and self tuning Query optimization on thousands of nodes Remarks Data Management for Cloud Computing poses a fundamental challenge to database researchers: Scalability Reliability Data Consistency Radically different approaches and solution are warranted to overcome this challenge: Need to understand the nature of new applications References Life Beyond Distributed Transactions: An Apostate’s Opinion by P.Helland, CIDR’07 Building a Database on S3 M.Brartner, D.Florescu, D.Graf, D.Kossman, T.Kraska, SIGMOD’08 Unbundling Transaction Services in the Cloud D.Lo,et, A.Fekete, G.Weikum, M.Zwilling, CIDR’09 Principles of Inconsistency S.Finkelstein, R.Brendle, D.Jacobs, CIDR’09 VLDB Database School (China) 2009 /~vldbschool2009/VLDBSchool2009English.htm CIKM worksh


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