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新 疆 师 范 大 学 毕业论文 光的干涉和衍射的区别与联系 学 院:物理与电子工程学院 年 级: 物理07-8班 学 号: 20070608150021 姓 名: 买买提力.米吉提 专 业: 物理学 指导老师:阿里甫.扎依提 2012年3月22日 光的干涉和衍射的区别与联系 内容摘要:结合在光学学习过程中的心得体会,依据波动光学的相关知识点,结合前人的探讨结果,从以下方面讨论了光的干涉与衍射:光的定义、传播路径、相干叠加性、计算方法、光强分布,条纹特点等,并系统总结两者之间的异同点,从而较深入的探讨了光波的干涉和衍射的本质:光的干涉与衍射都是光的波动性的表现,都是光在遇到障碍物后所表现出的光强分布不均匀现象。两者在本质上是统一的,共处于“线性波的相干叠加”这个统一体中,并在一定的条件下发生转化,两者也有各自的特点。但无论是干涉还是衍射中的光强的分布问题是可以由菲涅耳在惠更斯原理的基础上提出的次波相干理论解决的。在此基础上期能对更高阶段的光学知识学习有所帮助。 关键字:干涉;衍射;异同点 The interference and diffraction of light XXX Directed by Prof.XXX Abstract: Integrated with what we have learned and our experience on the study of optics, based on the related knowledge points of wave optics, together with the former researches, this paper is to discuss the interference and diffraction of light on the following aspects, the definitions of rays, how they spread, the coherent superposition, the intensity distribution and the stripe features. What’s more, it summarizes systemically the similarities and differences. Interference and diffraction of light is the performance of volatility, are obstacles in the face after the light shown by the phenomenon of uneven distribution of light intensity. Both in essence, a total of a coherent superposition of linear waves of this entity, and under certain conditions in the transformation occurred, and both have their own characteristics. But whether it is interference or diffraction , the light intensity distribution of the problem is from the Huygens Fresnel principle based on the theory of time resolved coherent wave. Based on this view,we expecting that this would help with further learning of optics.. Key words: interference diffraction similarities and differences 1、 引言 大学物理是本科院校一门重要的公共基础课程,干涉与衍射往往又是波动光学中最重要的知识点。虽然它们都反映出光的波动性本质,但是彼此又有明显的区别,而且两者常常在波动现象中同时出现。在基础物理的学习过程中存在着一个不容忽视的问题:对光的干涉与衍射的认识,一开始感觉清楚,但随着知识点的增加和学习的深入,相关概念反倒模糊起来,导致同学学习困难、理不清头绪。在国内外的教材中,虽然关于干涉和衍射的异同点都有相关的探讨,但是能将两者的异同点系统化地加以比较的并不多见。而且国内的教材


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