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南京工业大学 Design of Volume Detection System Transfer Device Control Abstract To achieve the PLC to control the motor, the conveyor speed adjustment and switching control. At the same time to complete a communications system with hardware to achieve the goal of upload speed information, the switch information signal. The topic is base to the programmable logic controller (PLC) and stepper motor. Use the PLC control technology to carry out the testing of the control technology to achieve a PLC control of the stepper motor switch, rotating, and acceleration and deceleration. This thesis is use the Proven programmable logic control and the stepper motor that has many advantages as a subject background, it discusses about the process that based on Siemens PLC how to control the stepper motor , mainly to complete the system of hardware and software design. First introduced the status quo and development trend of the PLC application and its application prospects. Secondly, introduce the application and performance characteristics of a stepper motor and its driver. In addition, this article describes the use of the STEP 7 programming software. This article concludes with some inadequacies in the design and some of the requirements for the future. Paper at the end with Transmission device control system mechanical structure diagram. Key words: PLC; stepper motor ;Stepper motor driver 目  录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1概述 1 1.2可编程逻辑控制器的发展现状 2 1.3 现代物流系统中PLC技术应用的状况 3 1.4 本文的主要工作 3 第二章 传送装置控制系统硬件设计 5 2.1系统总体设计方案 5 2.2 步进电机简介 5 2.2.1 步进电机的分类及其基本参数 6 2.2.2 步进电机的选择 8 2.2.3 步进电机驱动电路 9 2.2.4 步进电机主要特点 12 2.3 S7—200介绍及具体CPU选型 13 2.3.1 S7—200介绍 13 2.3.2 CPU选型及其设计 14 2.4 PLC驱动步进电机 17 第三章 控制系统的软件设计 19 3.1 STEP7概述 19 3.1.1 STEP 7的硬件接口 19 3.1.2 STEP 7的编程功能 19 3.2系统流程图 21 3.3主/子程序及其实现功能的详细解释 22 3.3.1本程序所用变量 22 3.3.2主程序 23 3.3.3初始化子程序 25 3.3.4自由口通讯协议子程序 26 第四章 系统调试与结果 27 结语 29 参考文献 30 致谢 31 附录1:传送装置控制系统机械结构图 32 第一章 绪 论 1.1概述 现代物流是将信息、运输、仓储、库存、装卸搬运以及包装等物流活动综合起来的一种新型的集成式管理。系统对基于激光测量


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