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19-* Chronotropic Chemicals Affect heart rate Neurotransmitters - cAMP 2nd messenger catecholamines (NE and epinephrine) potent cardiac stimulants Drugs caffeine inhibits cAMP breakdown nicotine stimulates catecholamine secretion Hormones TH ? adrenergic receptors in heart, ? sensitivity to sympathetic stimulation, ? HR 19-* Stroke Volume (SV) Governed by three factors: preload contractility Afterload Cardiac Output = heart rate X stroke volume 75 bpm X 70 ml/beat = 5250 ml/min (5.25 L) Total blood volume of body is 4-6 L Total volume of blood passes through heart every minute. Some Normal Values You Should Know “Hint, Hint!” Blood Pressure: 120/80 Systolic Pressure: 120 Diastolic Pressure: 80 Heart Rate: Newborns: 120 bpm Adult Females: 72-80 Adult Males: 64-72 Stroke Volume: 70 ml/beat Cardiac Output: 5.25 L/minute Blood Volume: 4-6 L 19-* 19-* Frank-Starling law of heart - SV? EDV ventricles eject as much blood as they receive more they are stretched (? preload) the harder they contract What happens if the heart does not eject as much as it recieves? Some Cardiac Pathology You should know about “Hint Hint!” Coronary Thrombosis Thrombosis Clot lodging in a blood vessel A cause of Myocardial Infarct DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis Myocardial Infarct AKA heart attack Venous plaquing, Thrombi, Congestive Heart Failure Insufficient ventricular ejection of blood. Weakened heart muscle (infarct, High BP, defect) Right side vs. Left side 19-* * * 19-* Metabolism of Cardiac Muscle Aerobic respiration Rich in myoglobin and glycogen Large mitochondria Organic fuels: fatty acids, glucose, ketones Fatigue resistant 19-* Cardiac Rhythm Systole – ventricular contraction Diastole - ventricular relaxation Sinus rhythm set by SA node at 60 – 100 bpm adult at rest is 70 to 80 bpm (vagal inhibition) Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) caused by hypoxia, electrolyte imbalance, stimulants, stress, etc. 19-* Cardiac Rhythm Ectopic foci - region of spontaneous firing (not


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