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2015级博士生英语考试(2015-2016学年)DOCTORATE ENGLISH QUALIFYING TESTEnglish for Academic Communication(任课教师:从丛)Graduate School, Nanjing UniversityDecember 24, 2015SECTION I I学术诚信是学术界的道德准则和伦理政策。它包括价值观,例如对作弊和抄袭的避免;学术准则的维护;以及研究工作和学术出版过程中的诚信和严谨。永远谨记,以下学术欺骗行为均被认为是腐败或愚蠢行为:剽窃:在没有给予信用或应有的认可的情况下,采用或复制其他作者(个人、集体、组织、共同作者或其他类型,包括匿名作者)的原始创作。造假:在任何正式的学术活动中对数据、信息或引用进行伪造。破坏:采取行动阻止他人完成其工作,比如蓄意破坏他人的实验。署名作者欺骗:那些做出显著贡献的人未被列入共同作者;或者,并不是所有的共同作者都肯定了论文的最终版本及已同意发表出版。II(1)In the accessory, there is a thesis named Cloud Computing: Large Data and Cloud Service, completed by me, Xianlin Su, and other co-authors. Please check it! The main conclusions of the article were verbal reported in 3th International Symposium on Computer Science and Application that held by Harvard University in November, 2015. On this basis, the in-depth discussions of our main findings were made. Hope to be accepted on the magazine of Computer Science and Application.(2)We are so sorry to send you for withdraw the thesis, which was number as MS123, entitled the Cause and Prevention on Fog-haze. In the further experiments after the article was submitted, we found that the experimental data reported in the thesis cannot be repeated. Because the experimental equipment type we now using is different with the former one before writing of the paper, and for caution, we need a certain time for further verification. After the experiment and paper been verified and revised respectively, we will submit to your journal again then.SECTION II ACADEMIC WRITINGIDear Prof. Brocca:I am a PhD Candidate in Nanjing University, China. My name is Yu Xu, male, birthed in 1989. I am writing to you to apply for a visiting scholar’s position in you institution.In recent years, I have already done several programs about combinational influence on hydrology by the global change (mainly precipitation, temperature, and further for evapotranspiration), land use/cover change and river system change in the Delta of Yangtze River. Through the research works, I ha


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