2011GCT英语精讲-阅读-安老师9.11-17 第二轮复习 清华在线.doc

2011GCT英语精讲-阅读-安老师9.11-17 第二轮复习 清华在线.doc

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2011GCT英语精讲-阅读-安老师9.11-17 第二轮复习 清华在线

GCT北京精讲 阅读 安静(2011,9) 阅读理解要求: 考生应能够综合运用英语语言知识和基本阅读技能,读懂难度适中的一般性题材(经济、社会、政法、历史、科普、管理等)和体裁(议论文、说明文、应用文等)的英语文章。阅读速度达到每分钟60~70个词。具体要求为: 1. 能够掌握文章的中心思想、主要内容和细节; 2. 具备根据上下文把握词义的能力;理解上下文的逻辑关系; 3. 能够根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论; 4. 能够对文章的结构和作者的态度等作出简单的分析和判断。 阅读理解考题形式: 本部分共有4篇文章,每篇文章为150字左右。每篇文章之后有5个问题 ,共20道题。考生须在理解文章的基础上从为每个问题提供的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。本部分满分为40分,每题2分。考试时间为21分钟。 Test 1 Passage 1 A lawyer friend of mine is devoted herself to the service of humanity. Her special area is called “public interest law”. Many other lawyers represent only clients who can pay high fees. All lawyers have had expensive and highly specialized training, and they work long, difficult hours for the money they earn. But what happens to people who need legal help and cannot afford to pay these lawyers’ fee? Public interest lawyers fell this need. Patricia, like other public interest lawyers, earns a salary much below what some lawyers can earn. Because she is willing to take less money, her clients have the help they need, even if they can pay nothing at all. Some clients need legal help because stores have cheated them with faulty merchandise. Others are in unsafe apartments, or are threatened with eviction (being driven) and have no place to go. Their cases are all called “civil” cases. Still others are accused of criminal acts, and seek those public interest lawyers who handle “criminal” cases. These are just a few of the many situations in which the men and women who are public interest lawyers serve to extend justice throughout society. “A lawyer friend of mine has devoted herself to the service of humanity” means ______. she has tried to earn her living by providing service for human beings she has tried to provide service to people in need out of humane consideration she has tried to work for the cause of law at any cost she has devoted herself to the public relationship in spite of loss of income What is the difference between public interest lawyers and other lawyers?


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