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回复价格高 Part I 201.?Your counter-offer is much too low, especially considering the small amount of your order. 就你们所定的量来看,你们的还盘太低了。 202.?Our price is fixed on a reasonable level.我方的报价是以一个合理的水平来确定的。 203.?Our products are moderately priced.我方的产品定价适中。 204.?This is the best price we can give you.这是我方所能报的最优惠的价格了。 205.?The price has been reduced to the limit.该报价已经降到最低限了。 206.?Our price is already on its lowest level.我方的价格已经是最低价了。 207.?There is little scope for further reducing the price.已经没有再了降价的余地了。 208.?Considerable quantities have been sold at this level, any further reduction is out of the question. 以这个价格卖出去的货一直很多,再进一步降价是不可能的。 209.?We cannot make any further discounts.我方无法再多给折扣了。 210.?This is our rock-bottom price. We can’t make any further concessions. 这是我方最低价格,不可能再让了。 211.?Sorry, we generally do not quote on a discount basis.抱歉,一般来说我方的报盘不打折扣。 212.?We can’t make any allowance for this lot.这批货我们不能再让价了。 213.?This is the very best offer we can make for your. We consider this is a rock-bottom price indeed. 这是我方所能报的最优惠的价格了。我方认为这确实是地板价了。 214.?I’m afraid there is no room to negotiate the price.恐怕没有再讲价的余地了。 215.?This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discount. 这已经是优惠价了,没有平时的折扣了。 216.?The possibility of a fall in price is rather remote, I’m afraid. 恐怕降价的可能性是很渺茫的。 217.?The price we offer you is the lowest, we cannot do better.我方所报价格已经是最低了,我们无法再让了。 218.?We very much regret to say that we can’t cut the price to the extent your required. 非常抱歉,我方无法将价格降到贵方所要求的程度。 219.?We are in a difficult position to satisfy your request for reducing the price. 我们很难满足你们的降价要求。 220.?It is really difficult to comply with your request for shading the price. 关于你方要求降价一事,我们实难照办。 Part II 221.?I dare say that the prices we offer compare favorably with any quotations you can obtain elsewhere. 我敢说,我们所报价格比你们从任何商家获得的价格都要优惠。 222.?I’m afraid you won’t find another company who will give you a cheaper price than ours. 恐怕你找不出能给出比我们价更低的另外一家公司。 223.?What we give you is a good price. We don’t think it co


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