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Instructions for Safety Data Sheet (SDS) 化学术说书(SDS)表须 Please read the following instructions carefully before filling in the application form so to facilitate the application assessment. 为加快评估进度,请在填表前仔细阅读此填表须知。 All information should be written in English. For SDS in Chinese please provide the relevant information in Chinese if necessary. 所有信息请用英文填写,如需中文报告,请提供相应的中文信息。 Section A of the application form is mandatory. Please complete all field where possible. The information provided shall appear on the final SDS. Please make sure that information on the applicant and product’s basic are CORRECT. Our assessment is based on the submitted composition or ingredient list only. Please kindly note the responsibility to provide correct, detailed and qualified chemical name and CAS No. with its % by weight. 申请表中的甲部为必须填写的内容。所有甲部的内容将出现在报告上,请确认申请人和产品的基本信息。(申请人请自行审核此信息以保证其准确性,我们不接受手写的申请表)。评估是基于成份表的内容,因此请提供正确的信息,详细和符合要求的化学品名称以及CAS No和相应的重量百分比。 CAS No. is priority item in ingredient list. If the chemical name is incomplete or incorrect, the assessment report will be based on the CAS No. It is the client’s responsibility to provide correct CAS No. 成份表中CAS No.为优先参考的参数。如遇化学名称不完整或不符合要求的情况下,我们均采用CAS No.来进行评估的依据,客户需对其所提供的CAS No.负责。 The information provided in Section B would be used as reference material for the SDS report. The reason “data no available” would be printed on the final report for the relevant parameters where fields are left blank. 申请表中的乙部(包括附录)部分为选填内容。如有有相关数据我们将参考并输入SDS中。表格中的没有将以“没有相关资料”在技术说明书上显示。If no information is supplied on Part B Appendix 2. We would issue the report assuming that the substance/ mixture are not for transport in bulk. We would only give a best estimation on the parameters list in Appendix 2. 如没有在附录2列明产品是否使用集装运输,我们则以不是集装运输为准出报告。 如没有附录最佳估算 The regular service is 7 working days, we only accept 5 working days express service right now. This working period is calculated from all information submitted complete and correct, excluding the checking time in


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