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ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY: A GENERAL REVISION Part 1: Define the following terms. English lexicology English lexicology is a branch ofl linguistics concerned with the vocabulary of the English language in respect to words and word equivalents. word A word may be defined as a fundamental unit of speech and a minimum free form;with a unity of sound and meaning(both lexical and grammatical meaning),capable of performing a given syntactic function. vocabulary native words loan words common words literary words archaic words poetical words colloquial words slang words technical words function words content words basic word stock neologism obsolete words morpheme allomorph free morpheme bound morpheme root free root bound root affix inflextional affix derivational affix prefix suffix hybrid simple word word-formation rules stem base compounding compound string compound derivation combining from prefixation suffixation differentiating suffixes conversion functional shift derivation by zero suffix partial conversion acronymy initialism acronym clipping blending portmanteau word back-formation reduplication words from proper names neoclassical formation conventionality motivation phonetic motivation morphological motivation semantic motivation echoic word/onomatopoeic word grammatical meaning inflectional paradigm lexical meaning denotative meaning connotative meaning social or stylistic meaning affective meaning purr words snarl words componential anaylisis semantic features/sense components polysemy primary meaning cental meaning radiation concatenation hmonymy homonym perfect homonym homophone homograph synonymy synonym complete synonym relative synonym the double scale pattern of synonyms the triple scale pattern of syonyms antonmy antonym contraries complementaries conversives root antonyms derivational antonyms marked member in tn antonymous pair unmarked member in an antonymous pair hyponymy hyponym/subordinate superordinate term/upper term semantic field context lingui


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