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攀登英语1B教学内容 ------- Yang Jiahua Unit 1 单词 friend朋友 nice好的,令人愉快的 meet遇见 too 也 brother兄弟 sister姐妹 grandpa爷爷 grandma奶奶 日常英语 Hi, Andy, this is my friend, Polly.嗨,安迪,这是我的朋友波莉。 Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you, too.我也是。 节奏英语 Friend,friend,this is my friend. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. (brother,sister,grandpa,grandma) Unit 2 单词 Classroom教室 reading看书 book书 bathroom浴室 bedroom卧室 lunchroom快餐店 garden花园 日常英语 Where is Andy?安迪在哪儿? Hes in the classroom.他在教室里。 Hes reading a book.他正在看书。 节奏英语 Andy, Andy, where is Andy? Bathroom, bathroom, in the bathroom. Hes washing in the bathroom. Lily, Lily, where is Lily? Bedroom, bedroom, in the bedroom. Shes sleeping in the bedroom. Tony, Tony, where is Tony? Lunchroom, lunchroom, in the lunchroom. Hes eating in the lunchroom. Polly, Polly, where is Polly? Garden, garden, in the garden. Shes watering in the garden. Unit 3 单词 old年老的,旧的 about关于 twenty二十 king国王 hundred一百 日常英语 How old are you?你几岁了? Im seven.我七岁。 How about you? 你呢? Im seven, too.我也是七岁。 节奏英语 Baby, baby. How old are you? Im one, Im one. How about Andy? Andy, Andy. How old are you? Im seven, Im seven. How about the sister? Sister, sister. How old are you? Im twenty, Im twenty. How about the king? King, King. How old are you? Im one hundred. How about you? How about you? Unit 4 (复习单元) Unit1~Unit3日常英语替换内容 Tony: Hi, Andy. How are you? Andy: Fine, thank you. Tony: Lily, this is my friend Andy. Andy, this is my friend Lily. Lily: Nice to meet you. Andy: Nice to meet you, too. Tony:Andy, where is Polly? Andy: She is in the classroom. She is reading. Tony:Thank you. See you. Lily: See you. Andy: See you. Unit 5 单词 Help帮助 cant不能 find找到 under在下面 desk桌子 key钥匙 door门 bag书包 window窗户 bear熊 bed床 日常英语 Can I help you?我能帮你吗? I cant find my book.我找不到我的书了。 Its under the desk.在桌子底下呢。 节奏英语 Can I, can I, Can I help you? I cant, I cant find my book. Its under the desk. Can I, can I, Can I help you?


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