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浙江越秀外国语学院毕业论文(设计) 开题报告书 论文(设计)题目: The Role of Foreign Teachers in the College Oral English Class 二级学院: 英语学院 专 业: 应用英语 班 级: 09应英2班 姓 名: 汪晓涛 学 号: 0303090212 指导教师: 寿明珠 二○一一 年 十二 月 十五 日 一、阅读的参考文献 [1]Brown. H.D. Princioles of language leaning and teaching (3rd ed.)New Jersey: prentice Hall.1994[2] Peverly. ST. Moving past cultural homogeneity:suggestions for comparisons of students’ education outcomes in the US and China. Psychology in school, 2005,42,241-249 [3]Richard.J. Approaches and Methods in language teaching. Cambridge University Press, 1986 [4]高凡.外籍教师在英语教学中的作用和存在的问题[J].长沙:武汉科技学院学报,2005. [5]胡文仲.文化差异与外语教学[J].北京:外语教学与研究,2007 [6]胡晓琼.从外籍教师的英语课透视我国大学教育的问题与弊端[J].西安:西安外国语学院学报,2006. [7]李青.英汉文化差异与交际能力的培养[J].大连:山东师大外国语学院学报,2009. [8]孙艳.中外籍教师信念的差异性研究[D].辽宁:辽宁师范大学,2005 [9]王晓群.大学生对中外英语教师授课方式的评价所引发的课堂教学改革思[J].北京:中国外语,2005. [10]张苏.姜云臣.外语教学中的文化对比研究[J].青岛:山东外语教学,2010. 二、选题理由 1. The purpose With the deep development of world economys globalization, English is becoming more and more important in this century. Many countries are now using English as a second language. As a university student, English is very important for us especially the English majors. Oral English class, as one of the most important way to improve our oral English, are now being set by more and more universities .We study spoken English in order to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That means we should pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. We know foreign teachers play a very important role in oral English classes. Not just because their pronunciation and intonation are purer than our Chinese English teachers, but also their teaching methods are different. Many of us want to do


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