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2015 牛津9A 期中复习 一、单项填空 ( ) 24. —How is your grandpa now? Has he been better since he fell off the wall? —A little bit better, but he will have to _______ in hospital for at least two weeks. A. rest B, wait C. remain D. live ( ) 25. When life gets hard and you want to _______, remember that life is full of ups and downs (起起落落), and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing. A. give up B. give off C. give in D. give out ( ) 26. I heard that a great fire _________ when I was in a nightclub in Jintan last night. A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in ( ) 27. —I hear a number of girl students got lost or ______ hurt on their ways to colleges or universities this year. —Sorry to hear that. But our government _____ much to pay attention students’ safety. A. bad; did B. serious; is doing C. seriously; has done D. badly; will do ( ) 28. —Why didn’t you try your best to get on the subway (地铁)? —I tried to, but it started moving _______ I could get on it. A. before B. while C. as soon as D. after ( ) 29. In England, people often take umbrellas when they go out in the morning because the weather there is very changeable at this time of year. Now it’s fine, but after a short time it may be rainy. The underlined word “changeable” means ______ in Chinese. A. 更新的 B. 常变化的 C. 多晴的 D. 多雨的 ( ) 30. These days, many graduates(大学毕业生) usually have to have quite a few interviews to _______ a job that they need to take. A. try on B. try out for C. try D. have a try on ( ) 31. Although his family _______ not very rich, but quite happy. Look! His whole family ___________ TV together in the room happily. A. are; is watching B. are; watch C. is; watches D. is; are watching ( ) 32. I’m sorry hear that over ten policemen died _______ the bombing in the Tianjin Bombing(爆炸), but later still more died ________ the diseases after the quake in Ya’an last year. A. of; of B. from; from C. of; from D. from; of ( ) 34. — Do you know the result of


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