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BS8509 : 2008 家用儿童床 Children’s beds for Domestic use Safety requirements and test methods 安全要求和测试方法 1 BS8509 : 2008 适用范围 Scope  This British Standard specifies requirements for the safety of childrens beds for domestic use with a maximum internal width of 1000 mm and a maximum height of bed base of 400 mm. 本标准针对最大内部宽度1000mm、床架高度400mm的家用儿童床的安全规范  The requirements apply to childrens beds that are fully assembled and ready for use. 要求应用于完全安装并准备使用的儿童床  This British Standard does not apply to foldaway beds, bunk and high beds, cabin/mid-height beds, childrens cots, bedside cots and childrens cots that allow free access for the child by means of a hinged opening or removal of some vertical bars/slats. 不适用于有折叠床、双层床、高脚床、儿童多功能床及婴儿床等  This standard does not cover products that have been incorporated into childrens beds, for example luminaires, tables or storage furniture. 本标准不涵盖与儿童床相结合的产品,如光照设备、桌子、存储家具等 2 BS8509 : 2008 总体要求 General requirements  Side guards or safety rails shall not be fitted to junior beds. 幼儿床的侧边不应安装有安全护栏 NOTE Side guards and safety rails may be fitted to cot beds and toddler beds 注意:侧边安全护栏可以安装与婴儿床和学步婴儿床上  If mattress is supplied with the childs bed, the gap between the mattress and the sides and ends of the childs bed shall be no greater than 30 mm with the mattress in any position. 如果随儿童床提供床垫,床垫放置于任何位置时与侧边和两端的间隙≤30mm  Cot beds NOTE A cot may be converted into a cot bed by having either both sides or a single side completely removed and different foot and/or head boards fitted. A cot bed, when assembled as a cot, shall conform to BS EN 716 and then the same sample, assembled as a cot bed, shall be assessed to this standard. One sample of a cot bed shall undergo the structural integrity testing of BS EN 716 and of this standard without failure. 3 BS8509 : 2008 总体要求 General requirements  测试条件 Test conditions The tests shall be applied to childrens beds that are fully assembled and ready for use. 适用于完全安装并准备使用的儿童床 If


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