unit4 周清.doc

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unit4 周清

Unit 4 周清 一、单词 1.v. 允许; 准许 My parents don’t allow me ____________ TV at night. A.watch B.watching C.watched D.to watch 2、What s wrong? 哪儿不舒服? -What’s the matter ____________ your watch? -I don’t know.It doesn’t work. for B.at C.with D.in 3、n. 午夜; 子夜 我昨晚一直学习到半夜。 I studied ____________ ____________ last night. 4、快速查看; 浏览 我妈妈现在正在浏览报纸。 My mother is ____________ ____________ the newspaper at the moment. 5、v. 猜测; 估计 6、big deal 重要的事 尽管她错了,但是不重要。你们还是可以成为朋友。 ____________ she’s wrong,it’s ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________.You can be friends again. 7、成功地发展; 解决 我希望你能解决这个问题。 I hope you can ____________ ____________ the problem. 8、和睦相处; 关系良好 She’s never get on well ____________ her classmates. A.for B.at C.in D.with 9、n. 关系; 联系; 交往 I don’t see any ____________(relate) between the two problems. 10、v. 交流; 沟通 11、n. 交流; 沟通 The telephone is an important invention.It is a popular way of ____________(communicate). 12、v. 争吵; 争论 -Why does Jack look unhappy? -Because he ____________ with his best friend just now. A.talked B.argued C.played D.helped 13、elder /eld?/ adj. 年级较长的 Lisa is my ____________(old) sister and she is two years older than me. 14、adv. 代替; 反而; 却 Mr. Brown was ill.He didn’t go to the meeting.I went,i____________. 15、pron. 任何; 每一 无论你做什么,我都会支持你 ____________ you do,I’ll be there for you. 16、adj. 焦虑的; 担忧的 I was very n____________ before the exam.I couldn’t get to sleep. 17、v. 主动提出; 自愿给予 Yesterday he o____________ to help me carry the box.I said thanks to him. 18、adj. 正确的; 恰当的 We need to learn how to dress ____________(proper). 19、adv. 第二; 其次 Firstly,I don’t have enough money.____________(second),I don’t have free time. 20、v. 解释; 说明 21、adj. 清楚易懂的; 晴朗的 Please explain the matter ____________(clear). 22、 v. 抄袭; 模仿; 复制; 复印 抄别人作业时不对的。 ____________ others’ homework is wrong. 23、v. 归还; 回来; 返回 My mother says she will r____________ home in two days. 我表弟老借我的东西却不还。 My cousin borrows my things without ____________ them. 24、再也(); () 我不再爱你了


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