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1、学习写作的方法#复盘?Try this exercise using the essay in last weeks lesson:Read the essay and make sure you understand it.Read it again slowly, and make notes on a separate piece of paper. Just write the main idea or key words from each sentence (there are only 13 sentences in the whole essay).Hide my essay, and try to rewrite it using only your notes. Dont try to memorise the essay exactly as I wrote it; the aim is to see if you can write a similar essay using the same key ideas.Compare your essay with mine. Did you write the same number of sentences? Did you include the same key vocabulary? Did you use the vocabulary correctly? Does your essay flow as well as mine does?You can learn a lot by doing this exercise. Apparently, this is how Benjamin Franklin worked on his writing skills! He describes the technique in chapter 2, paragraph 6 of his autobiography, which you can read here.#TimingIf you havent seen my advice about timing before, heres a reminder.You have 40 minutes for writing task 2, and I suggest that you:Spend the first 10 minutes planning your essay structure and brainstorming ideas for the two main body paragraphs.Spend 5 minutes writing your 2-sentence introduction.Spend 20 minutes on the main body (10 minutes for each paragraph).Spend the last 5 minutes writing your conclusion and checking everything.?# 如何写草稿Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?Heres our plan for a 4-paragraph essay:Introduction: Topic = best age to learn a foreign language. Our opinion = better to learn at primary school age.Disadvantagesof learning languages at primary age: other subjects are more important at that age (maths, mother tongue language, science), learning a new language is confusing and wastes time, could delay development of childs first language.Advantagesof learning languages at primary age: young children learn faster, t



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