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* MEDIA KIT 《今日北京》英文周报媒体介绍 Contents 目录 Intro of Beijing Today 简介及背景 Content of Beijing Today 内容简介 About the readers 读者定位描述 Distribution 发行 Advertisement 广告 Intro of Beijing Today 简介及背景 《今日北京》2001年创刊,是首都唯一的一份英文周报,由北京市政府新闻办公室、北京青年报主办。读者包括母语为英语的外国人、国内的高阶层人士以及外交官和政府决策者。 《今日北京》周报每期发行量为5万份,每周5出刊,在报刊亭零售并直投到酒店、公寓和外国人社区,是北京英文媒体中最具权威性的报纸之一。 Beijing Today start publication from 2001, is the capital’s only English weekly newspaper and is published under the auspices of the Information Office of the Beijing Municipal Government and run by Beijing Youth Daily. With a circulation of 50 000 newspapers a week, published every Friday, selling from newsstands and distributed at hotels, apartments and expatriate compounds, Beijing Today is seen as one of Beijing’s most authoritative English media sources. 背景:高端 权威 内容:丰富 实用 精练 多元化 新闻视角新锐多元,国际视角报道北京 独家关注在京老外的各种新闻 文章更简洁精练,语言更原汁原味 四开24版,符合国际化纸媒趋势,内容更丰富。 Variation in reporting angel; viewing Beijing with an international idea News about Foreigners in Beijing Concise wording and native language 24 pages, rich contents Content of Beijing Today 内容简介 都市综合类英文周报 四大内容板块 News 新闻板块 Circle “圈子”板块 Culture and Life Style 文化娱乐版块 Study 学习版块 News 选择中外读者都感兴趣的话题、体现文化差异、观念碰撞、国际融合的新闻 We select interesting topics which conveys cultural differences, conflicts, and merging news 独创的报道领域,利用我们的语言优势,报道外国人在京新闻,为外国人提供本地化的信息沟通平台 A pioneer reporting style. With language, we report foreigners news in Beijing, and provide communication platform for them Culture and Life Style 体现国际新锐潮流趋势,提供在京的国际化生活资讯 We provide international fashion in Beijing Study 为英语学习人群提供最地道、最有趣的英语学习方法 We serve English learners with the funniest way Circle 特色 独创 News OUTLOOK BUSINESS DEBATEFOCUS Content of Beijing Today 内容简介 News 版块栏目设置 News 选择中外读者都感兴趣的、能体现中外观念差异、碰撞、融合的新闻 We choose those the most interesting news from a lot. We convey culture’s differences and conflicts Outlook 追寻外电记者,看外国媒体视角下的中国新闻。追访外电
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