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第36 卷 第14 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.36 No.14 Jul. 20, 2016 3726 2016 年7 月20 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2016 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. DOI :10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.160208 文章编号:0258-8013 (2016) 14-3726-08 中图分类号:TM712 基于架空线的直流电网保护方案研究 吴亚楠,吕铮,贺之渊,孔明,周啸,范征 (全球能源互联网研究院,北京市 昌平区 102209) Study on the Protection Strategies of HVDC Grid for Overhead Line Application WU Yanan, LÜ Zheng, HE Zhiyuan, KONG Ming, ZHOU Xiao, FAN Zheng (Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute, Changping District, Beijing 102209, China) [1] ABSTRACT: The HVDC grid is an important means of large 任何电力问题进行及时的响应 。直流电网中直流 scale renewable energy development and utilization in China. 线路间可自由连接,互为冗余,并可实现多电源供 However, the overhead line system is still acting as the main 电、多落点受电,为多种形式的大规模可再生能源 transmitting method of bulk power transmission. Thereby, the 发电的广域互联和送出消纳提供高效传输平台,实 study on HVDC grid based on overhead line system is 现大范围内能源资源的互补优化配置、高比例可再 necessary. Regarding to the characteristic of high fault 生能源电力的可靠接入以及现有电力系统运行稳 possibility of overhead line, this paper focused on the fault protection strategies of HVDC grid. The applicability of two 定性的提升,是解决电网薄弱导致的大规模可再生 main protection strategies were analyzed and the protection 能源汇集与送出困难问题的有效技术手段,具有广 algorithms were proposed and compared with each other. 泛应用前景[2-4] 。 Finally, the reasonable protection scheme was given out for 随着化石能源的日益枯竭和环境承载能力的 overhead line HVDC grid and verified by simulation results. 日益减弱,我国亟待调整传统以化石能源为主导的 KEY WORDS: HVDC


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