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2003 年3 月 Mar. , 2003 第23 卷第3 期 Industrial Wat r Tr atm nt Vol. 23 No. 3 1 1 2 靖大为 , 徐腊梅 , 王婷 ( 1天津城建学院, 天津 300384; 2天津渤海职业技术学院, 天津 300221 ) [ ] , , , , , , [ ] RO ; RO ; RO + [ ] T Q085 . 411 [ ] B [ ] 1005- 829X( 2003) 03- 0065- 04 Optimized struct ural design of small reverse osmosis membrane systems 1 1 2 Jing Daw i , Xu Lam i , Wang T ing ( 1. TI UC , Tianj in 300384, Ch ina; 2. TIBP T , Ti anj in 300221, Ch ina) Abstract: An optimiz d classic mod l of small RO m mbran syst m pr par d by using pur wat r is put for- w ard. An accordingly simplifi d mod l is duc d. Th actually d sign d softwar to r aliz th sp cific calculat- ing proc ss of th optimiz d d sign is d scrib d. Tw o crit rions of th optimiz d structur of th d sign is af- firm d. Und r th guidanc of this th ory and m thod, a6- s ction saturat d structur is obtain d. It is b st for corr sponding with th wat r supply conditions of low insolubl salts. And th critical saturabiliti s of various insolubl salts in th w at r supply of low insolubl salts ar d fin d strictly. Th r for , a compl t s t of opt-i miz d th ory m thod and structur is pr s nt d to th d sign of small RO m mbran syst ms. Key words: RO syst m d sign; RO syst m optimization; RO syst m analysis 1 , , 4040 , , ( ) , , 1 , , , , : , , : , ,


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