Premarital agreements婚前协议.ppt

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Premarital agreements婚前协议

Premarital agreement 婚前协议 premarital agreement What is a premarital agreement ? A premarital agreement is an agreement between two people that deals with the financial consequences of their marriage ending . In America Signing agreements before marriage has become popular in the United States since the 1980s. More and more couples are signing premarital agreements. LET’S LOOK AT THEM Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt 安吉莉娜-朱力(美国影星)布拉德·皮特(美国演员) In china According to the survey, more and more Chinese people have learned about pre-marital agreement. But many people can not accept. After all, It is sad, If your love to use the agreement to maintain. At the same time, premarital agreement has also been more and more young people are recognized. Premarital agreement is not suit for everyone. In what cases getting a prenuptial agreement is particularly important ? 1.You are much wealthier than your partner . 2.You earn much more than your partner . 3.You are remarrying. 4.If you plan to quit your job to raise children 5.To prevent your spouse from overturning your estate plan. 6. You own part of a business. 7. Your partner has a high debt load. PEOPLE’S OPINION We`re in love, we trust each other, we`ll never get divorced - who needs a prenup? It`ll just spoil our relationship. 我们彼此相爱且相互信任,绝不会离婚,所以婚前协议与我们无关,它只会损害我们的感情。 As people become more affluent and divorce rates rise, an increasing number of couples are signing premarital agreements on division of property in case of divorce. 随着人们变得愈加富有以及离婚率的节节高升,越来越多的夫妻考虑到离婚时的财产分割问题,会选择签署婚前协议。 Nobody wants to talk about divorce before marriage -- it sounds ridiculous. It`s like talking about a funeral at a newborn`s birthday. 我想没人会在婚前就谈论离婚,这就好比在婴儿刚出生时就谈论死亡一样,听上去很荒唐。 But practically speaking, a premarital agreement does save a lot of time and disputes in court. 但实际上来说,婚前协议能帮助人们在法庭上节约时间、减少纠纷。 Lawyers usually recommend th


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