产品介绍 Product Presentation.doc

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产品介绍 Product Presentation

产品介绍 Product Presentation A: Mr. Wang, your electrical bicycles impressed me very much at the fair where I got a pamphlet. I am coming for more information.   甲:王先生,在商品交易会上你们的电动自行车给我留下了很深的印象,我当时拿走了一个小册子。这次我来是想了解更多的情况。   B: The electrical bicycle is our latest product combining the strong points of motorcycles and bicycles. It runs faster than the bicycle, powered either physically   or electrically.   乙:电动自行车是我们的最新产品,兼具摩托车和自行车的优点。它比自行车跑得快,可以用人力驱动,也可以用电力驱动。   A: Sounds great! It doesn’t burn gas and discharges no pollutants, so it,s environmental friendly. It,s a great favorite of the young people.   甲:太好了!它不烧汽油,不排放污染物,因此对环境无害,很受年轻人的青睐   B: You said it. But initially, it was designed for the elderly. As it is powered   electrically, it won’t make the rider tired, especially fit for the elderly.   乙:你说对了。但它最初是为老年人设计的。它由电力驱动,不会让人疲劳,对老年人特别适用   A: But it looks so stout in some parts. Won’t it be too heavy?   甲:但是有些部件看起来挺粗的,会不会很重呀   B: No, it won’t. We have all - steel ones and light ones. Those made from all steel have a net weight of around 17.5 kilos, and those of light aluminum alloy about 16   kilos only, even lighter than the average bicycle.   乙:不重。我们有全钢的和轻型的。全钢的重17.5千克,轻型铝合金制的仅重16千克,甚至比一般的自行车还轻。   A: That’s impressive. What,s your model range?   甲:真是不错,都有什么规格的?   B: Generally,we have bikes for gents and ladies of different sizes and various colors.Do you think they have a chance on your market?   乙:总的来说,我们有不同型号和颜色的男、女式车型你认为它们在你方市场上有销路吗?   A: They could be well marketable in our area as long as they are as reliable in quality as they look in appearance. You know how selective our buyers are. They appreciate a reliable machine than anything else.   甲:只要它们在质量方面和外观一样可信,那么它们在我们那里会有很好的销路。你知道我们的客户很挑剔,他们特别看重车子的性能。   B: No problem. We like to do business with selective buyers.   乙:没问题。我们就喜欢和挑剔的买主打交道。   样例欣赏 2   (A = Shirley B = Audience)   (甲=雪莉 乙=观众)   A: Thank you all for coining to this short presentation about the Datamax Video Still Camera - the DVS-1.You will be hap


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