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Se cure Co mmunic atio n vi a Chao tic Ma sking 3 J i Biao 3 3 L u J iren (Depart ment of Radio Engineering , Sout heast U niversity , Nanjing 210096) Abstract : A novel secure co mmunicatio n app roach via chaotic masking is p roposed. At t he t ransmit ter , a message sequence is added to a chaotic masking sequence and is ,at t he same time , also involved in t he generatio n of t he masking sequence. At t he receiver , a no n2dy2 namical system which adop t s t he same no nlinear f unctio ns as what is adop ted at t ransmit ter is used to ret rieve t he masking sequence f ro m t he received signal and t hen t he message sequence is recovered t hrough subt ractio n. The result s of t he t heoretical analysis and co mp uter simula2 tio n show t hat t he chaotic digital secure co mmunicatio n system p resented in t his paper has t he fine security , high reliabilit y and can be implemented easily. Key words : chaos , no nlinear discrete dynamical system , secure co mmunicatio n Because chaotic signals are noise2like , broadband and unp redictable in nat ure , t hey are de2 sirable candidates fo r masking signals in secure co mmunicatio ns. The key point is how to regen2 erate , at t he receiver , a chaotic signal w hich is identical and synchro no us to t he chaotic mask2 ing signal at t he t ransmit ter , since chao s is ext remely sensitive to initial co nditio ns and parame2 ters. Peco ra and Carroll1 - 3 repo rted t hat so me chaotic systems can be deco mpo sed into a drive subsystem and a respo nse subsystem and t he t wo subsystems can synchro nize p rovided t hat all t he co nditio nal L yap unov expo nent s of t he respo nse system are negative w hen it is driven by a signal f ro m t he drive system. The synchro nizatio n t hat occurs bet ween t he t wo subsystems is called t he self2synchro nizatio n . Oppenheim et al . 4 - 6 f urt her showed t hat fo r so me self2syn2 chro nizing chaotic systems , t he synchro nizing abilit y is r


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