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Material Sciences 材料科学, 2015, 5, 9-14 Published Online January 2015 in Hans. /journal/ms /10.12677/ms.2015.51002 Study on Degradation of Trichlorophenol by Meso-Porous TiO2 Catalyzed Ozonation Zhiwu Liu, Yuan Meng, Jianfeng Liu Jinhua Polytechnic, Jinhua Email: nec10@163.com st rd th Received: Dec. 1 , 2014; revised: Dec. 23 , 2014; accepted: Dec. 30 , 2014 Copyright © 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract TiO2 Meso-porous material was prepared from Degussa P25 by using hydrothermal method after annealing in different temperature. Catalyst samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis. Results indicate that various morphology (nanotube, nanorod, nanopolyhedron and nanoparticles) and crystallite phases (ratios of anatase and rutile) were synthesized by varying hydrothermal temperature and annealing temperature. SBET and Pore size decreases with increased hydrother- mal temperature and sintering temperature. Calcination temperature plays an important role in crystal composition of the catalysts. The samples were used as catalysts for degradation of 2,4,6- trichlorophenol (2,4,6-TCP) by ozone. Removal efficiency of 2,4,6-TCP was significantly promoted in the presence of catalyst compared with that of ozone alone. The nanotube TiO2 showed the best activity, and the higher rutile phase ratios showed higher catalytic ozonation. Keywords Catalytic Ozonation, Meso-Porous TiO , Ozone, Trichlorophenol


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