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檴檴檴檴檴殜表面工程激光熔覆添加纳米 WC / Co 合金粉末涂层的组织与抗裂性能吴培桂1 ,陈莹莹1 ,张光钧1,2( 1. 上海工程技术大学 材料工程学院,上海201620;2. 上海工程技术大学 激光工业技术研究所,上海201620)摘要: 利用 CO2 激光宽带熔覆技术在 45 钢表面制备了添加纳米 WC /Co-Ni 基、WC /Co-Fe 基熔覆层。用 SEM、EDS、XRD 进行观察和分析,对比研究了添加纳米 WC /Co-Ni 基、WC /Co-Fe 基熔覆层的形貌、组织结构、强化相的形状及其分布。结果表明,Ni 基熔覆 层中物相主要为黑色( Fe,Ni) 、B2 Fe3 Ni3 基体上分布着 WC、Cr2 Fe14 C 等白色的碳化物相,而 Fe 基熔覆层中的白色碳化物相中有 W2 C、Fe3 W3 C。在优化的工艺参数下,通过连续控制微观结构要素,可以实现成分、组织的变化,获得无气孔、无裂纹的熔覆层。采-3 /2用 EVANS 压痕法测得喷焊 Ni 基 WC /Co 复合陶瓷涂层断裂韧度 KIC 的平均值为 9 MN·m,而在现有维氏硬度计最大载荷 50 kg的情况下,激光熔覆添加纳米 WC /Co 合金粉末涂层得到的熔覆层仍无裂纹出现,证实了激光熔覆添加纳米 WC /Co 合金粉末涂层 的抗裂作用。关键词: 激光宽带熔覆; 纳米 WC /Co 合金粉末; 熔覆层; 组织结构; 断裂韧性; 纳米效应中图分类号: TG174. 44文献标志码: A文章编号: 0254-6051( 2011) 06-0001-06Microstructure and anti cracking property of alloy powder coating with additionnano WC / Co by laser claddingWU Pei-gui1 ,CHEN Ying-ying1 ,ZHANG Guang-jun1,2( 1. School of Materials Engineering,Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China;2. Laser Industrial Technology Research Institute,Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China)Abstract: The nano WC /Co-Ni base and nano WC /Co-Fe base composite tungsten carbide coatings were fabricated by wide-band CO2 laser cladding technique on 45 steel. The morphology of laser clad layer was observed by scanning electronic microscope ( SEM) ,the composition analysis was applied by EDS,and the phase transformation was characterized by XRD. The microstructure,hard phase,and distribution of two types of laser clad coatings were contrastively investigated,including nano WC /Co-Ni base cladding coating and nano WC /Co-Fe base cladding coating. The results indicate that the Ni base cladding coatings are mainly composed of carbides such as WC and Cr2 Fe14 C which dispersedly distribute in the ( Fe,Ni) and B2 Fe3 Ni3 substrate. But the Fe base cladding coatings are mainly composed of carbides such as W2 C and Fe3 W3 C which dispersedly distribute in the substrate. Under optimized processing parameters,the gradient stru