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硅、铈、锑和锡对块状石墨形成的影响Hideo Nakae1,Masayuki Fukami2,Takayuki Kitazawa2,Ying Zou2(1. 早稻田大学材料科学技术实验室,日本 东京 169-0051;2. 早稻田大学应用机械与工程学院,日本 东京 169-0051)摘要:用电解铁,高纯硅,石墨,纯铈,锑和锡制成含有不同硅、铈、锑和锡含量,且C%+1/3Si%=4.45%的13种母合金。每种合金用高纯度氧化铝坩埚在1 450 ℃,氩气保护下的电炉中重熔,然后在30 K/min速率下冷却,获得冷却曲线。用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察它们的石墨形貌。为了讨论硅和铈含量对块状石墨形成的影响,进行了试验。在第一个试验中,变化了0.15%硅铈合金中的硅含量从0到4%;在第二个试验中,使用了含有0.1%和0.2%不同铈量的3.5%和4%硅的试样。在第三个试验中,使用了含铈0.1%,含硅4%的试样,研究了锑和锡对块状石墨形成的影响。试验结果表明,硅含量大于3.0%, 块状石墨的体积分数会增加。随后讨论了不同含量的硅和铈对块状石墨形成的影响。不能确定3.5%和4.0%的硅量差对块状石墨形成的差别,证实了含有0.2%铈的样品中块状石墨的体积分数大于0.1%铈的试样。由于高硅含量,还不能确定锑和锡的加入对防止块状石墨形成的作用,还需要做进一步的研究。关键词:块状石墨;球状石墨;石墨形态;铸铁凝固中图分类号:TG143.5文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-4977 (2011) 01-0001-05Influe nce of S i, Ce , S b a nd S n on Chunky Gra phite Form a tionHide o Na ka e 1, Ma s a yuki Fuka m i2, Ta ka yuki Kita za wa 2, Ying Zou2(1. La b. for Ma te r. S ci. a nd Te ch., Wa s e da Univ., Tokyo 169-0051, J a pa n;2. Me ch. a nd Eng., Wa s e da Univ., Tokyo 169-0051, J a pa n)Abs tra ct: The thirte e n m othe r a lloys , C% +1/3S i% =4.45% , diffe ring in the ir S i, Ce , S b a nd S n conte nts , we re pre pa re d us ing e le ctrolytic iron, high purity S i a nd gra phite , pure Ce , S b a nd S n.S e ve nty gra m s of the s e a lloys wa s re m e lte d in a high purity a lum ina crucible a t 1 450 ℃ unde r a nAr a tm os phe re , the n coole d a t 30 K/m in for obta ining the ir cooling curve s . The ir gra phite m orphologie s we re obs e rve d us ing a n optica l m icros cope , a nd a n S EM. For dis cus s ing the influe nce of the S i a nd Ce conte nts on the chunky gra phite form a tion, e xpe rim e nts we re ca rrie d out. In the firs t one , we cha nge d the S i conte nts from 0 to 4% in the 0.15% Ce a lloys , a nd for the s e cond one , we us e d the 3.5% a nd 4%S i s a m ple s tha t diffe re d in the Ce conte nts of 0.1% a nd 0.2% . In the third e xpe rim e nt, the influe nce of S b a nd S n on the chunky gra phite form a tion wa s inve s tiga te d us ing the4%S i a nd 0.1%Ce s a m pl


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