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Business English: Viewing Listening Speaking 主讲人: Unit 16 Advertising --- understand the functions of advertising --- learn how to: Choose a proper advertising medium; Judge the effective advertising; Plan an advertising campaign After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Objectives Contents Warm-up 1 Listening Speaking 2 Viewing Speaking 3 Words Focus 4 Class Activities 5 Post-class Activities 6 Part I Warm-up Where should we advertise? Which media vehicles? When during the year? How often should it run? Should we concentrate our advertising? What opportunities are there to integrate our media planning with other Promotion or Communication tools? Listen to an expert talking about the functions of advertising. Take notes on the functions of advertising. Part II Listening Speaking Function 1: Advertising should accomplish to ____________________________________________ Function 2: Advertising can serve as ______________________ Function 3: Advertising adds value to _______________________________________________ influence consumers to buy. a reminder to consumers. an innovation by altering the perceptions of consumers. Answers: Watch the video and note down the reasons why students like each advertising. Part III Viewing Speaking What makes a good advertising? Student 1: ___ Student 2:___ Student 3:___ Student 4:___ to choose the media individually to compare your choices in pairs and explain why to report your choices in class the rest of the class to comment on their performance Your company is planning an advertising campaign to promote a range of casual clothing. Which of the media would you choose? Why? Part V Class Activities Choose a proper advertising medium; Judge the effective advertising; Plan an advertising campaign We have learned how to Summary Advertising Campaign Part VI Post-class Activity websites suggested: * * * * Business English: Viewing Listening Speaking


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