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第 13 卷 第 1 期 CT 理论与应用研究 Vol.13 No.1 2004 年2 月(1~6 ) CT Theory and Applications Feb., 2004 文章编号:1004-4140 (2004 )01-0001-06 可视化人体的整体坐标系统* 陈惟昌, 陈志华, 赵天德, 王自强 (中日友好临床医学研究所,中国北京 100029) 摘要:可视人数据集是人体解剖结构的基础信息数据集。为了确定人体结构在三维空间中的准确定 位以及在不同个体之间便于比较,文中提出和建立了可视化人体的整体坐标系统。以通过耻骨联合 上缘中点的水平横切面为标准原点平面,将人体分为上、下部:上部包括头,颈、胸、腹、上臂、 前臂等重要部位;下部包括骨盆、下肢和手。人体的整体坐标系可以确定人体重要结构的每一个体 元的空间绝对坐标及相对坐标,在图像的分割、匹配、重建中起重要作用。通过坐标系统的变换, 人体整体坐标系统可以方便地应用于临床的定位定量诊断,手术导航,放射定位治疗以及人体运动 功能等领域的研究。 关键词:可视化人体计划;坐标系统;人体分部;图像分割;耻骨联合;体元 中图分类号:TP 391.41 文献标识码: A Universal Coordinate System of Visual Human Body CHEN Wei-chang , CHEN Zhi-hua , ZHAO Tian-de , WANG Zi-qiang (China Japan Friendship Institute of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100029,China) Abstract: The visual human data set is the fundamental data set for anatomical information of the human body. In order to locate the human structure in 3-dimensional space precisely and to compare the data set among different individuals conveniently, we suggested and created a universal coordinate system of the human body in which the pubic symphysis horizontal plane was determined as the universal standard original zero plane. The human body can be subdivided into two portions by the original plane. The upper portion includes the head, neck, thorax, abdomen, arm and forearm. While the lower portion includes :the pelvis, lower extremity and hand. The human universal coordinate system can provide a standard geometrical frame for the comparison among different individual data set of the visual human and the precise localization for every voxel in the important structure of the human body. The


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