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a bit of 有些类似 a fraction of 一小部分 a hard/tough nut to crack难完成的;难理解的 a matter of course 当然的事情 a multitude of 很多 a matter of 大约 abide by 遵守;信守 acquaint with 使熟悉 adhere to粘附;遵守,坚持 all ones own 特有的 all over again 重做;从头做起 all the more 更加;愈发 all told 总计 allow for 考虑到 analogous to 可比的;类似的 and all that 等等 be ANDed with 与...逻辑乘 and the like 等等 answer for 对...负责 answer for it that 保证 answer the purpose 适合需要;符合目的 answer with 适用;奏效 apart from 除...以外;离开 as far back as 早在;远在 ascribe to 把...归于... aside from 除...以外还 assist in 参与 be assumed to be 被假定为 assuming that 假如 at an angle to 以...角度 at full capacity 全力地 at home in 精通;了解 at intervals of 相隔...的距离或时间 at large 充分地;详尽地 at odds 不一致;不和 at ones disposal 为某人服务 at random 任意地 at sea 迷惑;不知所措 at the bottom of 引起 at the instance of 应...之请 at will 任意地;随意地 attribute to 把...归于... avail oneself of 利用机会等 back and forth 来回地;反复地 be bound to 一定会 be bound up with 与...有密切关系 be obliged to 不得不 bear ...out 证明;证实 beware of 当心 bid up 哄抬物价 bind oneself to 保证 blast off 发射;炸毁 bleach out 使变淡 blend in 使混合;使和谐 block in 填塞;包围 block out 画出草图 boil down to 归结于;简化;压缩 bolt down 囫囵吞下 border on 临近;近似 bottom upon 以...为基础 bounce back 好转 branch from 源于 branch out 扩大经营范围 branch out into 开始从事 bring about 产生;引起 bring down 使灰心 bring forth 发表 bring into contact with 接触 bring...into play 调动 bring off 完成;获得 bring on 导致 bring out 出版;显示 bring through 使安全渡过 bring under 制服 brush up 复习;润饰 bung up 使塞住;是损坏 buoy up 使浮在水面或空中;维持;支持;使高兴 bustle about 忙碌 by a big margin 大幅度地 by and large 总的来说 by convention 按惯例 by halves 半途而废 by leaps and bounds 突飞猛进的 by the book 按常规;有根据;有权威 by the job 计件 by the same token 根据同样的理由 by virtue of 凭借;由于 call at 停靠;作短暂访问 cancel out 抵消 carry off 夺去;带走 cast down 失败;沮丧 change down 放慢车速 change over 更换;对换 check with 符合 chime in 与...一致;附和 chip away 逐渐去掉;不断地凿 chock up 用垫子垫稳;使阻碍 chop back 大幅度消减 chop up 砍去 churn out 大量生产 classify into 把... 分为 cling to 坚持不放 clock up 用时钟指出(时间、速度等) clutch at 抓住;利用机会 collaborate with 合作 come about 发生;出现 come forth 出现 come in for 得到 come into



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