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汉译英: 会议,典礼: 1. Declare the opening (closing) of … (sports meeting, conference, forum 论坛) 2. Words of welcome 3. a complete success e.g. I wish this conference have a complete success. × 取得? I wish you merry=happy Christmas. Wish sb.+v× Wish sb + n/n 短语 √. 我祝你旅途愉快/安全。 I wish a happy safe journey. 4. bi-lateral relation Lateral 边的 Bi- “双,两 ” 三边:tri-lateral 多变:multi-lateral 前缀+词根+后缀 Comfortable Un-Comfort-able 关系: 中美关系: Sino-US relationship (relations, ties, links ) TP Link 中欧~ : Sino-European relationship 中日: Sino-Japanese r~ 亚洲: Asia Asian 重要国家: Major countries 朝鲜 (北) North Korea 南韩: South Korea 首都:capital city Seoul 首都 DMZ 非军事区 Demilitarized zone Vietnam 越南 Vietnamese Malaysia Indonesia AP: Asia Pacific 亚太 APEC Economic cooperation 组织: WTO=world trade organization 世贸组织 UN= United Nations 联合国 Security Council 安理会 常任理事国: Longstanding member OPEC: 欧佩克 (石油输出国组织) Organization of petroleum-exporting countries Petroleum=oil 石油 Export 出口 vs. import 进口 5. 以。。。为自豪 Be proud of …. Boast v. (本义)吹嘘; (引申义)享有 e.g. 上海享有得天独厚的地理优势。 Shanghai boasts a unique geographic advantage. 6. business community 商界 产业: Agriculture 农业 Industry 工业 Commerce 商业=business Tourism 旅游业 IT=Info tech 信息产业 Telecommunication 通讯业 Transportation 交通运输 Manufacturing 制造业 Service 服务业 Education training 教育业和培训业 Community 社区→社会 e.g. 国际社会: international community 学术 “圈 ”(圈子) Academic community 7. 贵宾: Distinguished Guest 尊贵的: Respected, respectable Honored, 荣耀的,光荣的 honorable 8. 远道而来的朋友 Friends coming from a distant place Friends comingfrom afar √ e.g. 孔子云 “有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。” Isn ’t it a pleasure to have a friend coming from afar? 奥巴马演讲 I’m very grateful 感谢的 to those



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