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“冲刺南外”六年级测试卷 (总分:150分 时间:90分钟) 班级 姓名 Ⅰ. Rhyme() Put them here and put them there, Touch your nose and touch your _____, _____ down now, here’s a chair. B. Trick or treat, you’re so n . Give me something good to e . Nuts and candy, fruit and gum. I’ll go away if you give me s . C. Little green frog once lived in a pool. The sun was hot and the water was , He sat in the pool and the whole day , And sung a dear little, queer little song, “Juaggery do, QUaggery dee, No one was ever so happy as .” Ⅱ. Vocabulary(21%) A.根据句子意思和首字母填空() 1. ’s dark outside. I can’t see anything c . 2. Susan did badly in his Math, she said her father would get a with her. 3. She is w about her health. 4. There is always sufficient(充足的) and interesting information on the . 5. People can go shopping and also have food in a s c . 6. Mike and I have to clean the classroom because we are on d today. 7. People can choose their favorite books in a l . 8. I drink milk every day, but I never know how people milk c . 9. My parents go j every evening. It’s good for them. 10. Millie and I usually have a c under the tree after lunch; we talk a lot with each other. B.选词填空(分) anterns / pineapples / telescope / stomach ache / rectangle chocolates / exercise / waitress / subject / stove 1. ---I can’t see anything! It’s too far away. ---I guess you might need a . 2. Is there anything burning on the ? It doesn’t smell good. 3. Lily gives Linda a box of as a birthday present. 4. Americans always make pumpkin for the Halloween. 5. ---What is your favorite ? ---I like Art the best. 6. Tony has a because he ate something bad yesterday. 7. ---What shape is the blackboard? ---It is a


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