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高三英语专题训练Born in 1963 in Sierra Visa, Arizona, USA, Jessica learned to live her life with her feet. Born without arms, she faced many ? 16 . There were many questions at the time about whether Jessica would be able to live a “ 17 ” life. However, Jessica’s father said he 18 had a tear about her birth condition. He had full confidence in her potential. With the 19 of her parents and family, Jessica became confident in herself as an adult and continued to 20 the world with her feet. As a child, Jessica studied dance in her hometown. When her first 21 arrived, she asked to be put in the back row. Her dance teacher told her there was no 22 row. Tentatively she took the stage with the other students and performed her 23 . When she finished, the applause from the audience gave her encouragement and? 24 to continue dancing for 14 years. 25 , Jessica earned her first Black Belt in the International Taekwondo Federation at the age of 14. After 26 from high school, Jessica attended the University of Arizona? 27 27 she earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology. When talking about her degree, she frequently 28 that psychology trusts the way people think has a greater 29 on their lives than a physical limitation. Jessica’s most famous accomplishment was learning how to 30 ? . It took three states, four airplanes, two flight instructors and a discouraging year to 31 the right aircraft: a 1946 415C Ercoupe Airplane. She 32 the Guinness World Record 33 being the first person certified to fly an airplane with only her feet. Jessica now 34 a motivational speaker. She travels the world sharing her story and 35 people to be creative and innovative. 16. A. challenges B. trouble C. advantages D. influences 17. A. unique B. special C. normal D. unusual 18. A. frequently????? B. never???????? C. ever D. certainly 19. A. argument???????? B. understanding C. opposition D. support 20. A. decorate???? B. explore?????? C. explode D. est


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