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Unit 7Reading P1Ever four years, when the Olympics roll around again, journalists seem automatically to recycle those misty-eyed notions about ”Good Old Days.”每逢四年一度的奥运盛会,记者们似乎总会自然而然地对“过去的好时光”产生一些模糊的概念。They eulogize the original Greek Games as being pure and uncommercial.他们称颂古希腊奥运会的纯洁性和非商业性。If we believe what we read, every ancient competitor was an amateur, and all worshipped fair play.要是相信他们所写的文章,那么古代每一个运动员都只是业余爱好者,都崇尚公平竞争。P2As Lord Byron quipped: ”All times when old are good.”诗人拜伦有一句妙语,“无论是哪个时代,只要过去了就会变得美好起来。”In fact, the mythology of a perfect Olympics is the modern invention of snobs and self-styled purists, perpetuated by sports writers and television commentators at a loss to fill air time.事实上,曾经有过完美的奥林匹克运动的神话只是现代的势利小人和一群自封为纯粹注意者的家伙杜撰,通过体育文章撰稿人和转播期间闲得发慌的电视评论员流传下来。P3From as far back as Homer’s Iliad – which portrays games of the 12th century B.C. – Greek athletes cheated as a matter of course.早在荷马所著的《伊利亚特》一书中——一本描写在公元前12世纪举行的运动会的书——希腊运动员理所当然地在比赛中作弊。Their entire ethic was based on winning—by fair means or foul.他们所有的道德标准都建立在取得胜利的基础上——无论手段是否光明正大。Olympic boxers hit where they weren’t supposed to, and took bribes to take dives.奥运拳击手攻击规则不允许的部位,或收受贿赂故意输掉比赛Runners jumped the gun( to be precise, the Greeks used a trumpet), and the elbowed one another viciously on the curves.长短跑选手不等枪响(更确切地说,希腊人用的发令枪是喇叭),抢险冲出起跑线,并在弯道上恶意地相互肘击。P4The chariot racers were even more brutal, especially in the Games held under the Roman Empire. 参加马车比赛的选手甚至更为残忍,尤其是在罗马帝国时期举行的奥运会上。We have recorded cases of drivers stabbing rivals as their vehicles drove neck to neck.据记载,两辆马车在比赛中并驾齐驱时,车手竟然用刀刺戳对手。Perhaps most amazing of all, if it were later proved that, say, a boxer or a wrestler had dishonestly won through bribery—he still didn’t lose his title.也许最令人感到震惊的是即使事后证实某位拳手或者摔跤手通过贿赂的手段不光彩地赢得了比赛——他们也不会因此而失去冠军头衔。P5Oh, the Greeks had the usual referees, umpires, and so forth. But these arbiters were often susceptible to financial enticements—and treats. 希腊人通常为各项比赛设置裁判,但是这些比赛的主宰者往往经不起金钱以及盛宴的诱惑。And even if an h


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