
英语词汇学复习提纲 lexicology.doc

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英语词汇学复习提纲 lexicology

Chapter 1 Lexicology and Words What is lexicology? Lexicology = study of words / the lexicon It is closely related to morphology, semantics, etymology and lexicography. Morphology: the study of the forms of words and their components. Semantics: the study of meaning. Etymology: the study of the whole history of words. Lexicography: the writing and compilation of dictionaries What is a word? A Word is an uninterruptible unit of structure consisting of one or more morphemes; a unit of sound and meaning. The total stock of English words is structured and organized in a systematic way.→ word class; semantic field. Word class: closed class (grammatical or function words):preposition, pronoun, determiner(限定词: the, every..), conjunction, auxiliary verb(助动词); open class(lexical words): noun, adjective, verb, adverb. Lexical words and grammatical words Semantic (or lexical) field: semantic field of color terms, kinship terms, military ranks and vehicles; semantic field analysis used in the descriptions of vocabulary in dictionaries like Roget’s Thesaurus Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English(McArthur) Longman dictionary of Scientific Usage Longman Language Activator . Componential analysis: a method for establishing semantic field(e.g. the meaning of woman: [+human],[+adult],[+female] Chapter 2—Some basic concepts and Word Meanings Morpheme: the smallest meaningful unit in a language;(e.g. moralizers is composed of 4 morphemes: moral+lize+er+s.) A morpheme may be: A complete word; a word form such as an affix(e–able); a combining form(bio-, geo-) Free morpheme: lexical morpheme: ordinary nouns, adjectives and verbs, the words which carry the 揷ontent?of messages we convey, e.g. boy, house, tiger, sad, long, sincere, open, look, follow, bread. d functional morpheme: consists largely of the functional words in the language such as conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns, e.g. and, but, when, because, on, near, in, the, that, it. Bound morpheme(prefix or suffix


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