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Rhetorical options *1、What is rhetoric?( Definitions of rhetoric) the art or science of communication in words; this art or science practiced or taught as a formal discipline, esp. the doctrine formulated by Aristotle and taught throughout the Middle ages; overornate or ostentatious language. (Longman Modern English Dictionary) What’s the purpose of rhetoric?(两种说法) ①The prevailing view about the purpose of rhetoric is to express oneself well and to communicate effectively in order to secure a desired result by employing rhetorical means efficiently. ②“to enlighten the understanding , to please the imagination, to move the passion ,or to influence the will.” “促进理解、引起想象、调动感情、或者说影响人们的意志” (18世纪苏格兰修辞学家George Campbell) *3、What is discussed in rhetoric?(contents of rhetorical) Rhetoric is composed of theoretical rhetoric and practical rhetoric. Theoretical rhetoric deals with the theoretical problem of rhetoric, while practical rhetoric helps us improve our ability to use the English language effectively. rhetoric covers all the elements of oral and written things, including structure, diction. Rhythm, tone, style, and anything related to the effective use of language. 4、The Highest Principles of Rhetoric the highest principle of rhetoric is to adapt to specific situation, that is, “adaptability” or “appropriateness”. Sentence(syntactic device) What is sentence? A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete thought. Generally, an effective sentence must possess five essential qualities: correctness, clearness, unity, coherence and emphasis.(正确、清楚、统一、连贯、强调) 句子的组成 A sentence must contain a subject and a verb (although one may be implied). ①words ②correct grammar ③meaning 句子的分类 Sentences may be classified according to Grammar or Rhetoric as to meaning and as to form: Grammatical Classification of Sentences I. As to meaning: II. As to Form: 1. Declarative Sentence 1. Simple Sentence 2. Interrogative Sentence


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