人教版M7U4Sharing 期中考复习提纲.doc

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人教版M7U4Sharing 期中考复习提纲

M7unit4 Sharing 一.重点词汇: adjust vi. vt.调整;使适合 教材原句P30:The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. 小屋内很黑,因此我们的眼睛过了好一阵才适应过来。 (1)adjust to适应于…… (2) (3) eg:It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the blackness. 他用一小会儿的时间来让眼睛适应这个漆黑的地方 When a child is studying abroad,he must learn to adjust/adapt to living on his own. 当孩子出国留学时,他必须学会适应独立生活。 1.(2011·长沙模拟)Over the years,we all learned to________,and to adapt to our new family arrangement. A.adjust B.concernC.combine  D.declare 2.(2011·杭州模拟)—Did he say something in the lecture that________you? —Not really. Actually I felt sleepy over his speech. A.adjusted to B.attached toC.referred to D.appealed to participate vi.参与;参加 教材原句P30:I loved listening to the family softly talking to each other in their language,even though I could not participate in the conversation.我喜欢听他们家人细声细气地用自己的语言交谈,尽管我不能参加谈话。 (1) (2)participant n.参加者;共享者 (3)participation n.参与;分担;共享 Students are encouraged to participate in the running of the college.学生们被鼓励参与学院的管理工作。 3.Every student is________to________in the school activities actively,which does good to them. A.hope;join    B.expected;participate C.wished;take part    D.requested;take 3. privilege n.特权;特别优待 教材原句P30:It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.能与汤比一家度过一天的时间真是莫大的荣幸。 (1) (2)4.Everyone can receive education. That is to say,education is taken as a right rather than a(n)________. privilege B.encouragementC.assistanceD.dignity donate vt.捐赠; 教材原句P34:Would you like to donate an unusual gift? ? (1)donate sth.to sb./sth.向某人/事捐献某物 (2) (3)donator n.捐赠者,赠送者①She donated a large sum of money to the charity. 她捐了一大笔钱给那个慈善机构。 ②All the donation was sent to the earthquake striken areas. 所有的捐赠都送往地震灾区了。 5.If most breadwinners________a day’s pay to the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful. A.giftB.donateC.present D.give operate vi.工作,运转;动手术;vt.操作 教材原句P35:This gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary schools that operate in poor or remote v


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