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七下Unit 7 Reading 根据句意和所给的首字母完成下列句子。 1.I usually take a s______at 10 p.m.and then go to bed. 2.Tom and his sister are of the same h_______. 3.He sat at the newspaper s_______near the bus stop. 4.You should answer the questions in c_______sentences. 5.A c____of people went to the small village last week. 二.语言知识运用。 1.You don’t need bookcases ______. A.of all B.in all C.at all D.for all 2.I am_____tired _____say a word. A.too;to B.so;that C.so;to D.even;to 3.I am really _____Sally,because she hasn’t come back yet. A.worry B.worry about C.worried D.worried about 4.I heard the bell ring and saw the students rush_____of their classrooms. A.outside B.out C.into D.at 5.Let’s ____our world more beautiful. A.make B.makes C.made D.making Grammar 改正句子中的错误。 1.Opening the door,please!________________________ 2.Don’t late again,Tom.__________________________ 3.Let’s doing some cleaning._______________________ 4.To turn to page 75,Jack.__________________________ 5.Quiet,boys!_______________________________ 二.语言知识运用。 1._______delicious the dish is! A.What B.How C.What a D.How a 2._____strange clothes he is wearing! A.What a B.What C.How a D.How 3.______interesting story it is! A.What B .How C.What an D.How an 4._____windy it was yesterday! A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 5.____careless boy you are! A.How B.What a C.What D.How a 6.____fast he can run! A.How B.What a C.What D.How a 7._____exciting news it is! A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 8.Don’t _____afraid of speaking English. A./ B.be C.is D.to be 9.桪on_’t take the food into the classroom!桰 _____. A.will B.can ’t C.won’t D.shouldn’t 三.根据括号里的词把句子改为感叹句。 1.You are wearing an old shirt.(what) ______________________________________ 2.The boys are very excited.(how) _____________________________________ 3.He is a funny person.(what) ____________________________________ 4.She is very unlucky.(how) ____________________________________ 5.We


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