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Paper of Major English-Speaking Countries: A Survey Title : Religious festivals in Britain Name : 吴霞君 Student number: 1315010413 Religious festivals in Britain Abstract Religion plays an important role in Britain life , especially in British festivals . There will be an introduction both in origin and customs of religious festivals in Britain. Keywords : Festival ,Religion, Custom Introduction The United Kingdom has a multinational and multi-ethnic society where its people have diverse origins in every continent of the world . It is traditionally a Christian state and people have the right to religious freedom , which is reflected in both people’s behaviors and traditional customs. However ,this typically focuses on British festivals. 1. Christmas 1.1Origin Christmas?Day,December?25,which?celebrates?the?birth?of?Jesus? Christ,?the?founder?of?the?Christian?religion .Christmas is Britains most popular holiday. Its traditions and early ceremonies were rooted in pagan beliefs and date back hundreds of years. They are still part of contemporary Christmas celebrations. 1.2 Christmas Cards The custom of sending Christmas cards to friends and family originated in Britain. In 1843 John Callcott Horsley designed the first one for Sir Henry Cole. Thus began a real spread of sending Christmas cards and this practice soon became an established tradition. Favored designs were Christmas feasts, church bells, plum and turkey as well as religious themes. 1.3 Christmas Tree Since 1840 the decorated and illuminated Christmas tree has gained popularity in England. Prince Albert brought this rite over from Germany. In 1848 the Illustrated London News published a picture of the Royal Family around one. The English families followed the Royal example and it can truly be called a Victorian innovation. Each year a giant Christmas tree is set up and decorated near the statue of Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square. 1.4 Christmas Carols On Christmas Eve carols ar


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