
压力管道检测评价技术 (NXPowerLite).ppt

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压力管道检测评价技术 (NXPowerLite)

失效原因之一:焊缝质量引起破坏 失效原因之二:管道的腐蚀破坏 管道失效缺陷的类型 含缺陷管道的失效过程 原因之三:其它因素,(1)管道地质位移破坏 其他因素:(2)施工机械引起的破坏 管道失效原因总结 事故原因分析:燃气(天然气)管道 事故原因分析:输油管道 失效后果:(1)引起爆炸 失效后果:(2)危及城镇安全 失效后果:(4)管道开裂 失效后果:(4)管道开裂 失效损失的统计 管道失效概率(不同时期) 通过发射低频磁场,在材料表面产生涡流信号,在材料表面以下,涡流信号逐渐衰减,衰减程度与材料壁厚的成函数关系,涡流信号在材料另一侧面(背面)信号突然消失。通过涡流信号强度与突然消失的时间,可计算出材料厚度。当然,这个厚度是磁场区域内的平均厚度,即探头区域内的平均厚度。 In-Line Inspection Tools: Wire-line Tethered Tools (I-PIT) External Inspection Tools (E-PIT) Free-swimming Tools (See-Snake) Walk-through Tools Collapsible Tools I-PIT See-Snake MTM(Magnetic Tomography Method,磁力断层摄影检测技术) ,检测原理与其它的检测方法不同,不是直接检测缺陷尺寸,而是根据管道局部应力的变化来检测和评估缺陷。 在受载荷的情况下: 管道存在缺陷,导致应力集中; 导致这个区域的磁场方向和磁场强度发生变化; 在地面上检测和记录这些磁场数据; 数据分析,直接对缺陷处的受力状况进行分析计算; 得出缺陷处管道的应力水平、最大允许操作压力,使用寿命,估算缺陷尺寸和类型等信息,进而给出修复建议。 用于测试沿着管道检测任何杂散电流的大小和方向(Stray Current) (七)压力试验 (八)有关内腐蚀直接检测评价技术 ICDA 九、管道安全状况(完整性)评定 The bottom of this slide shows the A-scan, which is familiar to all ultrasonic testing technicians. However the range is in metres rather than millimetres. Symmetrical responses are shown in black; vertical and horizontal flexural responses in blue and red respectively. The A-scan is positioned under the pipe features indicated in the upper half of the slide. The first feature encountered is a weld. This gives a strong symmetrical and weak flexural responses. The next feature, corrosion at the pipe bottom, causes conversion from the transmitted longitudinal mode to a vertical flexural one. Strong flexural responses are characteristic of corrosion. Similarly, the next patch of corrosion near the 9 o’clock position causes a horizontal flexural response. Finally all the remaining ultrasound is reflected by the flange, which therefore gives a strong symmetrical response. Teletest? is sensitive to internal and external metal loss. It cannot distinguish between these. However, this is not normally a problem as the Teletest? technique is primarily a screening tool used to identify rapidly areas where local more detail


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