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Academy of Management Review 2007, Vol. 32, No. 1, 33–54. EXPLORING INTUITION AND ITS ROLE IN MANAGERIAL DECISION MAKING ERIK DANE MICHAEL G. PRATT University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign We review and reconceptualize “intuition,” defining intuitions as affectively charged judgments that arise through rapid, nonconscious, and holistic associations. In doing so, we delineate intuition from other decision-making approaches (e.g., insight, ra- tional). We also develop a model and propositions that incorporate the role of domain knowledge, implicit and explicit learning, and task characteristics on intuition effec- tiveness. We close by suggesting directions for future research on intuition and its applications to managerial decision making. The human brain can be a magnificent synthe- shows how managers use intuitions for strategic sizer of disparate pieces of nebulous information, decisions, such as whether to invest capital in a and often formal techniques and procedures thwart and inhibit this mysterious mechanism project or whether to market controversial pre- from operating efficiently (Raiffa, 1968: 272). scription drugs. Hayashi (2001) frames several high-profile executive-level decisions, including A classic trade-off noted by decision theorists the development of the Dodge Viper and the is that decision accuracy is often inversely re- prime-time launch of Who W


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